Igor BokyAlexey Kramin
14 minutes read
Juli 24, 2024
Updated: Juli 24, 2024
Published: Januar 22, 2024

The Best eBook selling websites in 2024

Finding the best platform to sell eBooks can be overwhelming with all the options out there.

In this post, we'll cut through the noise and highlight the top platforms for selling eBooks in 2024 based on revenue potential, global reach, author support, and more.

You'll discover which giant retailers still lead for eBook sales, as well as some emerging marketplaces offering new opportunities to publish and profit. We'll also provide tips to make the most from each platform.

Introduction to The Best Platform to Sell eBooks in 2024

Selling eBooks online has become increasingly popular and profitable in recent years. With the rise of self-publishing platforms and e-readers, it's easier than ever for authors to distribute and sell their work digitally. In 2024, the eBook market is expected to continue growing, providing ample money-making opportunities for writers.

This article will provide an overview of the best websites to sell eBooks in 2024, including a comparison of reach, royalties, and formatting needs. We'll also explore how to sell eBooks on Amazon for free using the popular platform Amazon KDP. Additionally, we'll discuss the benefits of using online platforms like Amazon KDP to sell eBooks, as they offer a convenient and potentially profitable option for authors looking to reach a wider audience.

The Evolving Landscape of eBook Sales

  • The global eBook market was valued at $16.25 billion USD in 2021. It's projected to grow at a CAGR of 5.8% from 2022 to 2030.

  • By 2026, eBook revenue in the US is expected to reach nearly $9 billion USD.

  • The rise of e-readers and tablets has made digital books increasingly popular and accessible. Over 28% of Americans read eBooks as of 2021.

  • Self-publishing has given authors more control and a larger share of royalties. Top indie authors make over $100k per year selling eBooks.

With the market growing steadily, now is an opportune time for authors to capitalize on eBook sales on top ebook selling sites.

Assessing the Best eBook Selling Websites

When deciding where to sell eBooks, authors should consider factors like:

  • Reach: Platforms like Amazon Kindle have an enormous built-in audience. Others cater to niche readers.

  • Royalties: Amazon pays out 70% royalties for eBooks priced $2.99-$9.99. Other sites range from 40-85% royalties.

  • Formatting: Most sites require eBook files in EPUB or PDF formats. Some need special formatting.

Here's a comparison of the best ebook selling websites:

Platform Reach Royalties Formatting
Amazon Kindle Massive Up to 70% Kindle Format (MOBI/AZW)
Apple Books Very large Up to 70% EPUB
Kobo Large Up to 70% EPUB
Smashwords Large Up to 85% Multiple formats
Gumroad Small-medium 80%+ PDF, EPUB
Marketsy Small-medium 100% PDF, EPUB, FB2, Notion

When first starting out, publishing widely across platforms is recommended to maximize sales and exposure.

Where to sell eBooks for Free?

One of the strongest players among the best ebook selling websites is Amazon's Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP). It allows authors to self-publish eBooks for free. Here is an overview of the process:

  • Sign up for a KDP account

  • Format & upload your manuscript as a MOBI/AZW eBook file

  • Add metadata like title, description, categories

  • Set pricing - royalties up to 70% in many markets

  • Publish your eBook to Amazon stores globally

Once published on KDP, your eBook will be available to millions of Kindle readers around the world. You keep full rights and can update the eBook at any time.

With the ability publish for free and access Amazon's vast audience, KDP is an ideal starting point for any author looking to sell eBooks online.

Exploring Free eBook Selling Platforms

While paid platforms offer higher royalties, free eBook distribution sites help authors grow an audience. Benefits include:

  • Exposure: Reaching wide readerships builds awareness of your work.

  • Lead generation: Collecting emails enables marketing of future books.

  • Feedback: Reader reviews help validate your writing and ideas.

Some of the best ebook selling websites include BookFunnel, Instafreebie, and Smashwords. These sites allow authors to share eBook samples, excerpts or full free eBooks in exchange for email signups. This helps connect with engaged readers.

For new authors, leveraging free distribution to build a fanbase can set the stage for paid sales down the road.

Selling eBooks online provides exciting opportunities for authors in 2024 and beyond. With the right platforms and promotion, your eBook could be the next digital best-seller!

What are the best websites for selling ebooks?

Some of the best ebook selling websites include Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP), Smashwords, Draft2Digital, Marketsy.ai and Gumroad. These platforms offer wide reach, user-friendly interfaces, and various tools to help authors publish and promote their ebooks effectively.

Here are some details about these top platforms that offer avenues for success:

Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP)

  • Amazon's KDP is a dominant player, giving you access to Amazon's huge readership through its Kindle Store and Kindle Unlimited subscription service.

  • Easy to publish through their user-friendly dashboard.

  • Global distribution to millions of potential buyers.

  • Ability to preview your ebook before publishing.

  • Access to promotional tools to help increase visibility.


  • Popular self-publishng platform with distribution to major ebook stores like Apple Books, Barnes & Noble, Scribd and OverDrive.

  • Easy publishing process through their Meatgrinder conversion tool.

  • Ability to set your own pricing.

  • Access to analytics on sales and readership.


  • Distributes to wide range of stores and libraries like Google Play, Kobo and Hoopla.

  • User-friendly publishing process.

  • Free conversion of document formats.

  • Global distribution capabilities.


  • Standalone store with a custom domain

  • 0% commission

  • Advanced automations via no-code solutions.

  • AI support of SEO-optimised products descriptions generation


  • Direct access to customers with ability to sell through your own website.

  • Ability to embed payment forms on your site.

  • Advanced analytics on customer analytics.

  • More control over branding.

Overall, KDP and Draft2Digital tend to be the most popular options thanks to their broad distribution reach and easy publishing tools. But every platform has its own pros and cons, so assess your goals, technical skills and potential readership when deciding on the best avenue for your ebooks.

What is the future of the eBook market?

The eBook market is expected to continue growing steadily over the next few years. Here are some key trends shaping the future of eBooks and best ebook selling websites:

Continued overall market growth: Despite fluctuations, the global eBook market has seen consistent expansion and is projected to grow at around 4% CAGR from 2021-2026. Key factors driving growth include increasing adoption of e-readers and tablets, convenience of digital formats, and growth in online retail channels.

Expansion into new markets: Much of the market growth is expected to come from emerging economies as digital infrastructure improves and more consumers shift to eReading. Markets like India, Brazil, Mexico and others offer major new opportunities for eBook sales expansion.

More interactive and multimedia eBooks: Enhanced eBooks with embedded multimedia like video and audio are gaining traction. We may also see wider adoption of interactive eBook formats and features like quizzes, 3D images, personalization and more gamified elements.

Self-publishing gains momentum: Self-published eBooks already account for a major share of top-selling eBook titles on Amazon. User-friendly self-publishing platforms will further democratize publishing and could expand the variety and volume of niche-interest titles.

Subscription models on the rise: Companies like Amazon, Apple and startups are testing all-you-can read subscription services for eBooks. This could significantly impact consumer buying behavior and sales volumes for publishers.

In summary, the eBook market outlook remains strong globally, with steady growth expected from both developed and emerging economies as digital reading continues to gain traction across consumer demographics and best ebook selling websites only grow their popularity.

What are the most profitable ebooks?

The most profitable ebooks on Amazon tend to be in evergreen niches that have a consistent readership interested in improving some aspect of their lives. Some examples of popular and profitable ebook topics include:

  • Self-help and personal development: Books on topics like confidence, habits, productivity, and personal growth tend to sell very well. These books provide actionable tips and advice to help readers improve themselves.

  • Health and wellness: Books on healthy eating, weight loss, exercise, and overall wellbeing are always in demand. Readers are highly motivated to improve their health.

  • Personal finance and investing: Books that teach money management skills, budgeting, getting out of debt, retirement planning, and stock market investing have an eager audience looking to improve their finances.

  • Romance and erotic fiction: This is one of the most popular genres that consistently produces bestsellers, especially among female readers. The demand for steamy, engaging stories with happy endings is always high.

The most profitable ebook niches satisfy needs and desires that are perpetual. By providing solutions to problems people are always looking to solve, the earning potential remains high over long periods of time. Narrowing down into specific sub-niches can also help authors differentiate themselves and cater to underserved audiences, alongside publishing on the best ebook selling websites. Following the "write what you know" golden rule, writing about a topic that genuinely interests you and creating valuable content can also contribute to the success and profitability of your ebook.

What are the top eBook selling sites?

When deciding where to publish your eBook, there are a few great platforms to consider that allow you to publish for free while keeping a good percentage of royalties. Here are the best ebook selling websites in terms of cost and royalties:


  • Your own storefront with a custom domain

  • Cost: Free trial included

  • Royalties: 100%

  • Easy, automated distribution of your ebooks

  • Sell on every website via widget


  • Cost: Free

  • Royalties: Up to 60%

  • Allows you to publish to multiple platforms from one place

  • Easy publishing process

Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP)

  • Cost: Free

  • Royalties: Up to 70%

  • Wide reach of Amazon's store and Kindle devices

  • Option for Kindle Unlimited where readers access your book through a monthly subscription


  • Cost: Free

  • Royalties: Up to 80%

  • Print book distribution to stores like Barnes & Noble and Amazon

Kobo Writing Life

  • Cost: Free

  • Royalties: Up to 70%

  • Access to Kobo's network of e-reading apps and devices

Overall, these platforms make it free and simple to get your eBook out to readers while keeping a solid cut of your sales this is why they are among the best ebook selling websites. Consider publishing to multiple platforms to maximize exposure. Draft2Digital can help easily distribute to many sites.


Crafting Your Digital Product: The eBook

Creating an eBook can be a great way to generate passive income and establish your expertise. With some planning and effort, you can craft a compelling digital product that provides value to readers.

Identifying Short eBooks That Sell

When deciding what to write about, research popular eBook categories and topics. Short eBooks that can be read quickly are appealing for busy readers. Some topics that tend to sell well in compact eBook format include:

  • Personal development and self-help

  • Health, diets, and fitness

  • Business and entrepreneurship

  • Finance and investing

  • Cooking and recipes

Consider an underserved niche or a fresh take on an evergreen topic.

Creating the Table of Contents and eBook Structure

Outline your eBook with a table of contents to map out the structure. Organize related ideas and topics into chapters and sections.

Aim for an eBook length between 20-100 pages. Break longer topics into a series. Short chapters make the reading experience more manageable.

Structure your content so it flows logically and keeps the reader engaged from start to finish.

Designing eBooks with Visual Hierarchy and Attractive Visuals

Apply visual hierarchy principles when formatting your eBook:

  • Use titles, subtitles and text formatting for emphasis

  • Incorporate relevant images, charts or graphs

  • White space improves readability

Visuals should enhance the content without being distracting. Stock photos and simple icon graphics work well.

Incorporating Multimedia and Interactive Elements

Consider embedding multimedia for an enhanced reader experience:

  • Video tutorials

  • Audio clips

  • Clickable links

  • Interactive quizzes

Multimedia elements help simplify complex topics while keeping readers engaged.

With planning and care, you can create an appealing, useful eBook readers will enjoy.

Strategies for Pricing Your eBook

Pricing an eBook can be tricky. You want to balance profitability with affordability. Here are some key strategies when setting your eBook price:

Understanding eBook Pricing Psychology

When pricing an eBook, consider consumer psychology and perception:

  • Anchor pricing - Consumers tend to anchor to the first price they see. Make sure your listed price seems reasonable.

  • Price endings - Odd endings like $.99 or $.97 seem like marked down prices. Even endings like $.00 or $.98 seem more premium.

  • Fairness - If readers feel they are getting a fair value, they are more likely to buy. Underpricing can seem suspicious.

  • Bundling - Offering extras with an eBook can justify a higher price. Include workbooks, audiobooks, etc.

Adjusting Prices for Maximum Profit

Find the optimal balance between profit margin and volume sold:

  • Test different prices - Gradually raise prices to find the ceiling where sales start to drop.

  • Compare competitor pricing - See what similar eBooks in your niche sell for.

  • Calculate royalties - Factor in retailer commissions and fees when pricing for profit.

  • Run promotions - Temporarily reduce prices to gain reviews and boost rank.

The Impact of Free Promotions

Free giveaways help:

  • Gain exposure - Giving your eBook away sparks interest and builds your audience.

  • Earn reviews - Reviews boost credibility and search rankings. Require honest reviews in exchange for free copies.

  • Upsell other products - Offer the first eBook free to hook readers, then sell additional titles.

Overall, balance value, profitability, and psychology when pricing eBooks. Experiment to find the optimal price point.

Some relevant video about proper eBooks pricing from YouTube.

Marketing and Selling Your eBook

Selling eBooks can be a great way to make money online. Even using the best ebook selling websites you need the right marketing tactics, you can drive sales and turn your eBook into a profitable product. Check this Visme blog post about building ebooks sales funnel.

Building a Landing Page for Your eBook

A landing page dedicated to your eBook allows you to capture leads and drive conversions. Make sure to highlight the book cover, title, author, pricing, and call-to-action buttons allowing visitors to purchase or download a sample. This landing page becomes the hub for all your eBook marketing efforts, making it an essential tool for reaching your target audience. The best ebook selling websites might provide functionality for building landing pages for your ebook project. For example, Marketsy.ai allows you to create a storefront for all your ebooks.

Effective Use of Social Media and Content Marketing

Promote your eBook through social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest. Share samples, testimonials, graphics, and run giveaways or contests to build an audience.

You can also use blogs, email newsletters, and guest posting opportunities to continually create useful content centered around your eBook's core topic. This content marketing helps establish authority and capture new readers.

Integrating with E-commerce Platforms

Sell your eBook directly using platforms like Shopify and WooCommerce. These make it easy to sell digital products by handling checkout, payments, analytics, and more.

Utilizing Paid Advertising for eBook Promotion

Paid ads like Amazon Sponsored Products allow you to target readers by keywords and demographics. Start with a small daily budget, track conversions, then scale up profitable campaigns. Retargeting ads help convert abandoning visitors into buyers.

Consistent marketing across multiple channels gives your eBook the best chance of sales success.best ebook selling websites Continually test and refine your efforts based on hard data.

Leveraging Analytics for eBook selling Success

Analytics tools provide critical insights that can help eBook authors and publishers maximize sales and revenue. By tracking key metrics around sales, marketing effectiveness, and overall performance, authors can fine-tune their strategy to drive growth.

Tracking eBook Sales and Revenue

Monitoring eBook sales and revenue data is crucial for understanding what's working and what's not. Some key metrics to track include:

  • Units sold and revenue generated on each platform (Amazon, Apple Books, Kobo, etc.)

  • Average sales price and pricing trends over time

  • Sales velocity - how quickly new titles sell upon launch

  • Sales by genre/category, length, etc. to identify best-sellers

Automated sales dashboards in analytics platforms like Google Analytics can compile this data to provide a holistic view of performance. Reviewing the numbers regularly allows authors to spot positive or negative trends.

Analyzing Marketing Effectiveness

Leveraging analytics, authors can measure ROI on marketing campaigns like:

  • Paid ads - which platforms drive the most sales? What content performs best?

  • Email marketing - open/click-through rates, unsubscribe rates, sales attributed to emails

  • Social media - engagement rates, sales attributed to promos

Finding data anomalies can provide insights and reveal hidden gems among your products.This quantifies what's working and what to adjust. A/B testing content and offers also provides data to optimize marketing.

Adjusting Strategy Based on Performance Metrics

With solid eBook sales analytics, authors can fine-tune strategy over time. Examples include:

  • Doubling down on top-performing marketing channels

  • Changing prices based on sales trends

  • Tweaking book content/covers based on reviews

  • Exploring new formats like audio books if demand exists

Continuous optimization using data insights helps maximize an eBook's commercial success. Analytics tools make this feasible for authors of all sizes. Also best ebook selling websites might provide your with inbuit analytics.

Conclusion: Maximizing eBook Sales in 2024

Even when publishing on the best ebook selling websites, to maximize ebook sales in 2024, there are some key strategies to focus on:

  • Choose the right sales platforms. As discussed in this article, some top options to consider include Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing, Apple Books, Kobo Writing Life, Google Play Books, and Gumroad. Consider factors like reach, royalties, and ease of use.

  • Optimize eBook content and design. Craft compelling content that solves reader problems and meets audience needs. Format your eBook for readability and visual appeal.

  • Price strategically. Use pricing psychology and test different price points to find the optimal balance between maximizing unit sales and overall revenue. Generally $2.99 to $9.99 tends to work well.

  • Promote extensively. Leverage social media, email lists, affiliates, ads, and other marketing channels to drive awareness and sales of your eBook. Consider offering limited-time discounts or free giveaways.

  • Track performance. Use analytics to gain insight into which platforms, promotions, pricing, etc. is working best so you can double down on the most effective strategies.

By focusing on these core areas and continually testing and optimizing, you can maximize the sales potential for your eBooks in the coming year.

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