Igor Boky
23 minutes read
Juli 27, 2024
Published: April 22, 2024

What Are Digital Products? Sell These 10 Products Online

Looking to dive into the world of digital products? Here's a quick guide to get you started. Digital products are items you can't physically touch but can download or use online, offering a fantastic way to earn passive income. They range from online courses and ebooks to stock media and apps. The beauty of digital products is in their scalability and the low overhead costs, making them an ideal choice for entrepreneurs and creatives alike. Here's what you can sell online:

  • Online Courses: Share your expertise and knowledge.
  • Ebooks: Write and sell your own books.
  • Stock Media: Sell your photos, videos, and music.
  • Web Templates: Design and sell website themes.
  • Fonts: Create and sell your own fonts.
  • Apps: Develop and sell applications.
  • Online Memberships: Offer exclusive content or services.
  • Digital Downloads: Sell templates, planners, guides, etc.

Selling digital products is not just legitimate but a thriving business model, allowing you to reach customers globally without the hassle of physical inventory. Ready to start? Identify a product idea, create your digital product, set up your online store, and market your products to the right audience. Let's dive into the digital world and turn your creative ideas into profitable ventures.

What Are Digital Products?

Digital products include:

  • Ebooks
  • Online courses
  • Music
  • Software
  • Digital art
  • Things you buy in video games

You usually get these products by downloading them or getting an email. There's no need to keep a bunch of them in a warehouse or send them through the mail.

Benefits of Selling Digital Products

Here's why selling digital products is a smart move:

  • Save money - You don't have to worry about storing stuff or shipping it.
  • Keep more of what you make - Most of the money you make is yours to keep.
  • Make money while you sleep - Once it's set up, customers can get your product any time.
  • Grow your business easily - You can sell to more people without running out of products.
  • Be flexible - You can sell things once or get people to pay over time, like a subscription.

The online learning world is getting big, expected to be worth a lot by 2030.

Challenges of Digital Products

But, there are some tough parts, too:

  • Lots of competition - You have to make sure your stuff is worth paying for when there's free stuff out there.
  • People might steal it - Use tools to keep your digital stuff safe.

To do well, find a special area that's not too crowded and protect your products.

Digital products can be a great way to make money online if you plan well. They're especially good for people working alone or businesses that mostly work online.

The 10 Best Digital Products to Sell Online

1. Online Courses

Market Demand

Lots of people want to learn new things online, from tech and business to art and self-help. The money made from online courses might hit $350 billion by 2025. That's huge!

Profit Potential

Selling courses can make you good money because once you've made a course, you can sell it many times without extra costs. Courses can be priced from $20 to $200. Some people who make courses are making millions a year.


The great thing about online courses is you can sell them to as many people as you want. There's no limit. This means you can keep making money from the same course over and over.

Creation and Delivery Complexity


  • To start, all you need is a camera, a microphone, and software to edit your videos.
  • Websites like Teachable, Thinkific, and Kajabi make it easy to put your course online and take payments.
  • Getting the word out there can be tough, but you can always get help with marketing later.


  • If you want your course to look super professional, you might need better video gear or help from other teachers.
  • Keeping your course up-to-date, helping students one-on-one, and running online groups can make things more complicated as you go.

2. eBooks

Market Demand

Experts think the eBook market will be worth about $14.16 billion by 2023. People like eBooks because they're easy to get and you can read them anywhere.

Profit Potential

Making eBooks can earn you good money since you don't have to pay for printing or sending books to people. eBooks usually cost between $2.99 and $9.99, and writers get to keep 30-70% of the money from each sale. Some writers who sell a lot of eBooks make more than $100,000 a year.


One great thing about eBooks is you can sell as many as you want all over the world. Once you've made your book, you can keep selling it without much extra work. Writers use big websites like Amazon Kindle to reach lots of buyers.

Creation and Delivery Complexity


  • You can write and set up an eBook using programs like Microsoft Word or Google Docs
  • Make a cover picture with tools like Canva
  • Put your eBook on websites like Amazon KDP, Barnes & Noble Nook, Apple Books, Kobo, and Gumroad to sell it


  • You might want to hire someone to check your writing and make your book look nice
  • Spending money on ads and growing your email list or social media can help sell more books
  • Keep an eye on what readers like and update your book when needed

Writing an eBook is pretty simple if you know how to write and use basic computer programs. If you want to sell more books, you can do more things like marketing, but it will take more time and money.

3. Licensed Digital Content

Market Demand

People all over the world buy and use licensed digital stuff like music, videos, pictures, fonts, and software. By 2026, the money made from movies, music, and media online is expected to hit nearly $3 trillion. With more people streaming movies and music, there's a big need for licensed content. Companies also pay to use this content for their ads. Basically, licensing lets creators sell their work to a huge market.

Profit Potential

When you license your work, you can make money over time without doing much more. For instance, musicians get a little money every time someone streams their song. The amount isn't huge for each play, but it can add up if lots of people listen. Photographers can make money by selling their photos on stock websites. Even though each sale might be small, selling a lot can make it worth it. The trick is to have content that people really want.


One of the best things about digital content is that you can sell it many times without running out. The more people see your work, the more chances you have to make money from it. This means you can keep making money as you get more popular.

Creation and Delivery Complexity


  • Making good digital content takes some skill, but you just need basic tools like a camera or computer.
  • You can use websites that help you sell your work and handle the money stuff for you.


  • To make more money, you need to create stuff that's really in demand, which might need better tools.
  • Selling your work all over the world can be tough.

Licensing your digital work is a good way to make money from all over the world without having to keep making new stuff. While it takes effort to create content that stands out, once you're set up, you can earn money more easily over time.

4. Premium Content Libraries

Market Demand

People everywhere want to get their hands on good-quality videos, music, pictures, and other digital stuff. They're happy to pay for stuff that's hard to find anywhere else. By 2025, the money made from selling this kind of content could reach over $237 billion worldwide.

Creative folks like graphic designers, photographers, and video makers are always on the lookout for new and interesting content.

Profit Potential

If you create and sell this kind of digital content, you could make a nice amount of money over time. For example, websites that sell stock photos might pay you from $0.25 to $125 every time someone downloads one of your pictures. Video creators can make up to $75 for each video clip they sell.

Even though you might not get a lot of money from each sale, selling a lot of items can add up. Some people who do this full-time are making more than $4,000 a month.


The great thing about digital items is you can sell them over and over without having to make more. This means you can reach people all around the world without any extra effort once your content is made.

Putting your work on different websites, using social media, and making sure people can find you online can help you sell more. Also, using tools that do some of the work for you can make things easier as you grow.

Creation and Delivery Complexity


  • If you're just starting, you can use simple tools like your smartphone to take pictures or make videos. There are websites that make it easy to sell your work by taking care of things like payments and keeping your files safe.


  • If you want to get more serious, you'll need better equipment and skills. Plus, you'll have to learn how to market your work. Managing your sales across different sites, dealing with taxes, and keeping up with customer questions can get tricky.

If you make premium digital content, try to focus on making really good stuff in areas that not everyone is covering. Using online tools and websites that help sell your work can let you make money without having to do a lot of extra work.

5. Digital Templates and Tools

Market Demand

Nowadays, lots of people are looking for digital templates and tools to make their work easier. These could be designs for websites, graphics, photo effects, resumes, and more. With more folks doing business online, there's a big need for these kinds of digital helpers across all sorts of jobs.

Profit Potential

If you make a digital template or tool, you can sell it many times over without having to make it again. This can bring in money from anywhere between $5 to over $100, depending on how detailed or unique your product is. This way, you can keep earning money from the same product, which is pretty cool.


One of the best things about selling digital stuff is that you can sell as much as you want without it costing you much more. Once you've made a template or tool, you can sell it to people all over the world through online shops and websites. This means you can make money without having to do a lot of extra work.

Creation and Delivery Complexity


  • If you're just starting, you can use simple programs to make things like resume layouts or social media pictures.
  • Websites like Gumroad, Etsy, and Selz let you easily put your stuff up for sale.


  • Making more complicated things like phone apps, special effects for photos, or fancy website designs needs more tech know-how.
  • When you start selling a lot, you'll have to handle things like keeping your products safe, helping customers, and getting the word out there.

Getting started with selling digital templates and tools is pretty straightforward nowadays, thanks to websites that help you sell your stuff. If you're good with tech, you can make even more complex items and sell them to businesses and other professionals.

6. Product Photography

Market Demand

As more people shop online, businesses need great photos to show off their stuff. Social media and ads also need good pictures. With online shopping getting more popular, the need for photographers who can take these pictures is going up.

Profit Potential

Photographers who take pictures of products can make good money, often getting $50-100 for each photo. If they do a lot of photos at once, they might charge less per photo. They can also make money by letting websites use their photos. Some photographers who do this full time might make more than $70,000 a year. How much you make depends on how skilled you are, who you work for, and how much time you put into it.


You can grow a product photography business by using the same photos more than once or letting others use them for a fee. If you get really busy, you might need help with editing photos or managing all the work. Using tools to keep track of your projects can help you handle more work without getting too stressed.

Creation and Delivery Complexity


  • To start, you need a good camera, lights, software for editing photos, and to know the basics of taking pictures.
  • You can sell your photos on your own website or places like Shutterstock.


  • Getting really good at taking product photos, like knowing how to light them just right or make the product look its best, takes time to learn.
  • As you get more clients, keeping up with all the photo shoots and editing can take a lot of time. You might need to hire help.

Getting into product photography can start off simple, but taking top-notch photos requires skill and effort. As your business grows, you might need to find ways to do things more efficiently or get some help to keep up with the work.

7. Music, Art, and Entertainment

Market Demand

People are really into digital music, art, videos, and other fun stuff online. By 2030, folks might spend over $2 trillion on digital entertainment around the world. Everyone's looking for easy access to new tunes, shows, games, and art. With more people streaming, creators have a big chance to share their work far and wide.

Profit Potential

Artists earn money when people stream or download their work. They get paid a little each time it's played or shared. Artists can also make money by offering special events, like online concerts. How much you make depends on how good you are and how many fans you have. The best musicians or game developers can make millions a year.


The cool part about digital entertainment is how it can easily spread online. With social media and streaming platforms, creators can reach a huge audience without much extra work. If you get really busy, you might need some help managing everything.

Creation and Delivery Complexity


  • Just start with your talent and basic tools like a computer or a drawing pad.
  • Sites like YouTube, Spotify, and Patreon help you share your work easily.


  • Mastering music, videos, or games takes lots of practice. High-quality tools and equipment can be pricey.
  • Keeping up with marketing, taxes, payments, and legal stuff can be pretty tricky.

Making digital music, art, and entertainment can be a good way to earn money, especially with the internet making things easier. But, you'll need to work hard on creating great stuff and managing the business side. It's a good idea to ask for help when you need it.

8. Digital Services

Market Demand

Nowadays, more businesses are working online, and they need help with things like making their websites look good, managing their social media, and keeping their computer systems running smoothly. Experts predict that by 2030, businesses might spend a huge amount of money, over $700 billion, on these kinds of online services. This means there are lots of opportunities for people with the right skills to offer their help.

Profit Potential

People who work for themselves offering these digital services can earn a good amount of money, usually between $30-100 for every hour they work, depending on what they do. If you do this kind of work full-time, you could earn between $50,000 and $100,000 a year or even more. How much you make will depend on how good you are at your job, the types of businesses you work with, and how much work you're willing to put in. Getting repeat customers and building a good reputation is important.


When you start getting more clients, you might want to find ways to do your work more efficiently, like using tools to help with making content or keeping track of your work. As your business grows, you might also need to hire other people with special skills to help with bigger projects.

Creation and Delivery Complexity


  • You can start with simpler tasks like posting on social media, making small updates to websites, or setting up basic chatbots. There are online courses that can teach you how to do these things.


  • Offering more complex services, like making custom software, checking for computer security risks, or coming up with big marketing plans, requires a lot of learning and experience. You'll need to keep up with the latest technology and know the best ways to do things.

Starting with simpler digital services is a good way to begin while you learn more about the more complicated and in-demand skills.

9. Printable Digital Products

Market Demand

People are looking for digital files they can print at home, like art for their walls, planners, and stuff for kids to color. As printers get better, more folks want these cool, easy-to-get designs.

Profit Potential

You can sell these printables for a few dollars each. Once you've made them, you can keep selling the same ones over and over, which means you can make a lot of money without spending more to make new ones. You can even make more money by offering new designs regularly for people who pay a monthly fee.


Once your designs are up for sale, you can sell them as many times as you want without extra hassle. Using the internet to handle sales means you can reach more people without doing more work. Getting your products in front of more people can help you sell even more.

Creation and Delivery Complexity


  • If you know how to use design software, you can start making simple things to print.
  • Websites like Etsy and Gumroad make it easy to start selling fast.


  • If you're good at 3D design or making fancy graphics, you can create cooler stuff.
  • But, when you sell a lot, you'll need to deal with keeping your products safe, sorting out taxes, and helping customers, which can be a bit tricky.

Starting with basic design skills, you can reach customers worldwide with printable products. Making more complicated items lets you charge more, but it also means you'll have more things to manage.

10. Digital Memberships

Market Demand

Nowadays, more people are interested in joining online groups where they can talk about their hobbies or learn new things, like how to cook better or grow their business. This idea of paying a monthly or yearly fee to join such a group is becoming more popular and could be a big deal, worth a lot of money, in the next few years.

Profit Potential

By asking members to pay a fee, like $10-50 every month, you start making steady money. You can also offer special stuff or events just for these paying members to earn a bit more. Some folks who run these membership sites are making a lot of money, more than $100,000 a year. Your earnings will depend on how well you pick your topic, how good you are at getting the word out, and how much your members like being part of your group.


Growing your membership site can be pretty smooth since adding more members doesn't mean a lot more work for you. Using online tools to help with sending emails, handling payments, and sharing content can make things even easier. Down the line, you might need to hire people to help manage the community.

Creation and Delivery Complexity


  • Setting up a site is straightforward with tools like MemberPress or Circle.
  • Keep your members interested with online chats, forums, or newsletters.


  • To really stand out, offer top-notch stuff like personal coaching or special groups.
  • It's a bit of work to handle different types of memberships and make sure everyone stays happy and interested.

Starting a digital membership is a good way to make money regularly if you keep offering things people want. While it's not too hard to get going, you'll need to put in effort to make sure your members are happy.

How to Create and Sell Digital Products

Creating and selling digital products can be a great way to make money online. Here's a simple guide to help you start:

Step 1: Identify Product Ideas

Think about what digital products you could make. This could be anything from:

  • Teaching something through online courses
  • Writing eBooks
  • Taking and selling photos or making videos
  • Designing website stuff like templates
  • Creating apps or games
  • Making music or podcasts
  • Digital downloads like planners or art to print

Do some research to see if people are interested in what you want to make. Look at what others are selling and see if there's a gap you can fill.

Step 2: Create Your Digital Product

Now, make your product. Here's how:

For online courses, plan what you'll teach, record your videos, and get any other materials ready. Platforms like Teachable can help you put your course online.

For an eBook, write your content and make it look nice. Don't forget a cool cover. You can use Word or Google Docs to start.

Take your time to make your product good. Try it out with friends or family first to get their thoughts.

Step 3: Set Up Your Online Store

You'll need a place to sell your products. Use websites like Shopify or WooCommerce to create your own store. These sites let you take payments and help with sending out your products to buyers.

Make your store look nice, add descriptions and pictures of your products, decide on prices, and open your store.

Step 4: Market Your Products

Now, tell people about what you're selling. You can:

  • Write blog posts or use social media
  • Make sure people can find you on Google
  • Send emails or newsletters
  • Use ads to reach more people
  • Work with other people who can promote your products
  • Offer special deals when you start

Keep trying different ways to tell people about your products and see what works best. Always be nice to your customers and make sure they're happy. This can help you sell more over time.

Selling digital products takes effort, but keep at it, and you can build a business. Change your plan as you learn what works and what doesn't.



Selling digital products is a smart way to make money online. These products, like online courses, ebooks, and music, are things you can't touch but can use and enjoy through the internet. The best part? Once you create them, you can sell them over and over again without having to make more. This can lead to earning money even when you're not actively working, which is called passive income.

Getting started might seem a bit tricky, but it's doable. First, think about what you're good at or what interests you. Then, create your product. You can write an ebook, make a video course, or even sell your photos online. After that, set up your online store on platforms like Shopify, WooCommerce, or Etsy. These sites make it easier to sell your stuff to people all over the world.

Remember, marketing is key. Use social media, blogs, and emails to tell people about your products. The rise of ecommerce means more people are shopping online, which is good news for you. Keep your customers happy, and they'll likely come back for more or tell their friends about your products.

Selling digital products is one of those low-cost and easy online business ideas that can make money if you stick with it. Plus, it's a way to share what you love with the world and get paid for it. So why not give it a try?

What is the best digital product to sell online?

Online courses stand out as a top choice for selling online. If you know a lot about a subject, you can make videos, PDFs, audio files, quizzes, and more to teach others online. Websites like Udemy, Skillshare, and Teachable are there to help you put together, host, and sell your courses.

Other great digital products to sell include:

  • eBooks
  • Stock photos, videos, and audio clips
  • Designs for websites and themes
  • Digital downloads like planners, journals, and art you can print
  • Apps and games for phones
  • Online groups and memberships

What is an example of a digital product?

Here are some examples of digital products:

  • eBooks and PDF guides
  • Video courses online
  • Software and apps you can download
  • Digital items for video games
  • Templates for designing things and documents
  • Stock photos, videos, and music
  • Themes and designs for websites
  • Online groups and memberships

Digital products are things you can download or use online without having to ship something physical.

What does it mean to sell digital products online?

Selling digital products online means you're selling things that people can get and use right away, without waiting for a physical package. You don't need to make, store, or send anything physical.

You can sell digital products in several ways, including:

  • On your own website
  • Through online shops like Shopify, Etsy, or Gumroad
  • On marketplaces online like Creative Market or ThemeForest
  • On sites that host content like Udemy or Skillshare

The perks of selling digital products are that you don't have much overhead, you can reach people all over the world, you can make money even when you're not working, and you can set up sales to happen automatically. Digital products can give businesses and people working for themselves flexible ways to make money.

Is selling digital products legit?

Yes, selling digital products is a real way to make money. As long as you have the legal right or permission to sell the digital content, it's a valid business.

Many people and businesses make their living by selling digital products like ebooks, courses, stock media, software, and more. It's a way to start a business online that can grow without needing a lot of physical space or products.

Like any business, you need to take care of taxes, licenses, and other important things properly. But making and selling digital products online is a genuine opportunity for business.

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