Alexey Kramin
28 minutes read
Juli 27, 2024
Published: April 12, 2024

Simple Ways To Build Backlinks to an eCommerce Store

Looking to boost your eCommerce store's visibility and sales? It's all about smart, strategic link-building. Here's a quick rundown of effective ways to gather more backlinks:

  • Content Marketing: Create in-depth guides, expert roundups, and visually appealing infographics.
  • SEO Tools & Techniques: Utilize SEO tools for identifying broken links, finding link-building opportunities, and tracking your backlinks.
  • Community Engagement: Participate in relevant forums, Facebook groups, and comment on industry blogs.
  • Influencer Collaborations: Partner with influencers and bloggers for product reviews and shared content campaigns.
  • Linkable Assets Creation: Develop assets like research reports or how-to guides that naturally attract backlinks.
  • HARO: Use Help A Reporter Out (HARO) to provide expert insights to journalists for a chance to earn backlinks.
  • Product Roundups: Get your products featured in gift guides and product roundups on popular sites.

These tactics, from leveraging content marketing to engaging with online communities and collaborating with influencers, can significantly enhance your store's online presence and credibility.

1. Leverage Content Marketing Strategies

Content marketing is a powerful tool for getting more backlinks to your online store. Here are some simple ways to use content marketing:

Create Detailed Guides and Tutorials

  • Write long, detailed guides about topics related to what you sell. For example, if you sell outdoor gear, you could write about how to pick the best camping equipment or tips for hiking beginners.
  • Make sure these guides are easy to find on Google by using the right keywords.
  • Use pictures, videos, and easy-to-understand steps to make your guides more interesting and shareable.

Put Together Expert Opinions and Lists

  • Ask experts in your field for their advice or opinions and include these in posts like "Top 10 Tips for Ecommerce Success" or a "2023 Best Products" list.
  • Having experts involved makes your content more trustworthy.
  • Keep these lists updated so they stay relevant.

Make Simple Infographics

  • Use tools like Canva to create eye-catching infographics about interesting facts or stats related to your business.
  • Infographics are popular on social media and can get a lot of shares and links because they look good and are easy to understand.
  • Remember to put your brand and website link on the infographic.

Update Old Content

  • Go back to your older blog posts and make them better by adding new information, media, or research.
  • This makes your content more valuable and share-worthy, which can help you get more backlinks.
  • Share the updated content on social media to get more people to see it.

Using these content marketing tips can help you attract more backlinks in a natural way by creating and sharing valuable information.

2. Utilize SEO Tools and Techniques

Using SEO tools and tricks can really help you get more and better backlinks to your online store. Here are some simple ways to do just that:

  • Find the right keywords with tools like Google's Keyword Planner or SEMrush. Look for keywords that aren't too hard to rank for but are still something your customers are searching for. Then, create articles or pages on your site that focus on these keywords to naturally attract links.
  • Check out what your competitors are doing by using tools like Ahrefs or SEMrush. This lets you peek at how they're getting their backlinks. You might find some good ideas that you can use for your own store.
  • Look for places to share your content with tools like BuzzSumo and Ahrefs Content Explorer. These tools help you find out which blog posts or pages get a lot of shares and links in your niche. You can then try to write for those sites or get them to link back to you.
  • Make sure your website is easy for search engines to read by fixing any SEO problems. Use tools like Screaming Frog or Google Search Console to find and fix these issues. This helps make sure the links you get actually improve your site's SEO.
  • Make reaching out easier by using software like Pitchbox or BuzzStream. Reaching out to other websites to ask for a link can take a lot of time. These tools can help make the process quicker, though it's always best to add a personal touch to your messages.
  • Keep an eye on your links by using tools like Link Explorer. This helps you spot links that might not be very good for your site. Focus on getting more high-quality links to make up for any bad ones.
  • Track new links with tools like Linkody and Google Search Console. This way, you can quickly see who's linking to you and make sure those links are ones you want.

The main idea is to use SEO tools wisely to help you find opportunities for backlinks, fix any issues on your site, and keep track of your progress. This approach lets you get better backlinks that can really help your store show up higher in search results.

3. Engage with Industry Communities and Forums

Joining groups and forums related to selling online can help you get more people to link to your store. Here's how to do it simply:

Hang Out in Facebook Groups

  • Look for Facebook groups about selling online or specific to what you sell. Pick groups where people talk a lot and help each other.
  • When you can, offer good advice or answer questions. Avoid just talking about your store.
  • If it fits, share links to your helpful articles or pages. Some groups are okay with this, and it can get you both traffic and backlinks.

Get Active in Forums and Q&A Sites

  • Look for busy forums like Digital Point and places where online sellers hang out. Use your know-how to answer others' questions.
  • Join in on Quora and Reddit too, in spots that match what you sell. If your link adds to the conversation, put it in your answer.

Talk on Blogs and News Sites

  • Find blogs about selling online and read what they post. When you've got something useful to say, leave a comment.
  • Writers and site owners often check out who's commenting. If they like what you say, they might link to your site.

Be Part of Online Seller Communities

  • Sites like Shopify or BigCommerce have their own groups for people who sell things online. Jump in by giving advice or answering questions.
  • Being active here can make more people know about your store and maybe link to it.

The main idea is to be helpful first. Don't just push your store. If people see you know your stuff and you're not just there to advertise, they're more likely to link to your site.

4. Collaborate with Influencers and Bloggers

Working with influencers and bloggers can really help get more people to visit and link to your online store. Here's how you can team up with them in easy steps:

Find the Right People

  • Use websites like BuzzSumo and SocialBlade to spot influencers who talk about stuff related to what you sell. Aim for those with at least 5,000 followers and lots of comments and likes on their posts. Smaller influencers are good too.

Create Cool Stuff Together

  • Suggest making a special blog post, video, or picture chart for them to share. Make sure it's interesting and includes a link to your shop.

Send Products for Them to Try

  • Look for bloggers and YouTube folks who review products and send them some of yours for free. Politely ask for their honest thoughts.

Think Up Fun Giveaways or Contests

  • Come up with a fun game or competition where your products are the prizes. Offer to run it with them.

Offer a Deal for Sales They Help Make

  • Suggest a deal where they get a little money for every sale that comes from their link to your store. Use programs like RewardStyle to set this up easily.

The main thing is to be nice and offer something valuable to them before asking for anything. Building good relationships with these folks can lead to more people knowing about your store, visiting it, and linking to it.

5. Create Linkable Assets

Making stuff that people want to share and link to is a smart way to get more backlinks for your online store. Here are some easy-to-make shareable things:


  • Turn facts and figures about what you sell into a cool picture that tells a story.
  • Don't forget to add a link to your store.
  • Post it on social media and ask websites that talk about your stuff to share or link to it.

How-To Guides

  • Write step-by-step guides on things related to what you sell, like "How to Pick the Perfect Camping Tent".
  • In these guides, link to products in your store that you're talking about.
  • Reach out to websites about camping or whatever your product is about, and ask them to share or link to your guide.

Product Comparison Posts

  • Write about the top items in your category, explaining the good and bad points of each.
  • Link back to these products in your store as you talk about them.
  • Share this comparison on social media and with online groups that are into what you're selling.

Expert Roundups

  • Ask people who know a lot about your field for their advice and put all their answers in one big article.
  • Link to your store's products that these experts suggest.
  • Share this article widely and suggest to websites in your industry that they might want to link to it.

The main thing is to make stuff that's useful and interesting, and that also links back to your store. Then, tell people in your industry about these cool things you've made to get more quality backlinks.

6. Explore HARO Opportunities


HARO (Help a Reporter Out) is a cool way to get good backlinks to your online store. Here's how to use HARO in easy steps:

  • Sign up for a free HARO account to get emails when reporters are looking for help on topics you know about. Choose the categories that match what you do.
  • Respond to queries that fit what you know. Give helpful answers, facts, or thoughts and include a link to your website if it's relevant.
  • Follow up politely if a reporter picks your response. Keep in touch to make them think of you as a go-to expert.
  • Check if you're mentioned in an article and that they've linked to your site right.
  • Use your successful HARO responses again by turning them into blog posts, videos, or other content to get even more from them.
  • Try other sites like Help a Reporter's buddies Help a Blogger Out (HABO) and Help a Marketer Out (HAMO) for more chances to build links.

The main point is to be helpful and genuine without pushing your stuff too much. If you're seen as a reliable source, you'll naturally get more backlinks. HARO is an easy way to meet reporters who need what you know.

7. Participate in Product Roundups and Gift Guides

Getting your products featured in big websites' gift guides or product lists is a smart move for getting more backlinks. Here's how to do it in simple steps:

  • Find big websites that talk about the kind of stuff you sell and make lists or guides about the best products. Tools like Ahrefs and SEMRush can help you find these sites.
  • Talk to the people who make these guides. Send them a message with pictures of your product, why it's awesome, and why it should be in their guide.
  • Give them a good reason to pick your product, like offering a special discount for their readers or sending the product for free.
  • Keep in touch. These folks are super busy, so a friendly reminder now and then can help. Offer to give more info if they need it.
  • Share their guide once your product is in it. Post it on your social media and email it to your list. This sends more people to their site and yours.
  • Stay friends with the guide makers. Help them out with info or products for their next guide. It's good to have people who like your stuff and want to talk about it.

By getting your products in these guides, you can get backlinks from websites that lots of people trust. Just remember to help them out too, with discounts, freebies, or useful info.

Leverage Content Marketing Strategies

Content marketing is a great way to get more people to link to your online store. By making content that's useful and interesting, you can naturally get more links over time. Here are some simple ways to do that:

Create In-Depth Guides and Tutorials

Making detailed guides that show people how to do something step by step is a great way to attract links. If you sell outdoor gear, you could write about:

  • How to pick the right hiking boots
  • What to bring camping if you're just starting out
  • The best hiking trails in national parks

Use headings, lists, charts, and pictures to make your guide easy to follow. You can also link to products in your store that you talk about.

Curate Expert Roundups and Opinions

Ask experts in your field for their thoughts or product picks and put them together in a blog post. You could ask:

  • Popular hiking bloggers for their favorite gear of the year
  • Athletes about their top hiking trail
  • Park rangers for camping safety tips for newbies

This kind of content with advice from experts gets a lot of attention and links.

Create Comparison Posts and Buyer's Guides

Posts that compare products or list the best ones also get a lot of links. For your outdoor store, you could write about:

  • The best hiking backpacks for under $100
  • The most comfortable camping beds
  • The best campgrounds for families in national parks

Include the good and bad points, a table of features, and links to where people can buy these products in your store. Add pictures too.

Update and Improve Old Content

Go back and make your old blog posts better by adding new info, pictures, or updates. Making your content better makes it more likely people will want to share it.

Tell people on social media or email about your updated posts. You can also tell websites that linked to the older version that it's been updated.

The key is to make stuff that really helps and teaches your readers. This makes people want to link to your site more.

Utilize SEO Tools and Techniques

Using SEO tools can really help you find new ways to get good backlinks. Here's how you can use these tools without making things too complicated:

Broken Links

With tools like Ahrefs and Semrush, you can:

  • Broken backlinks - Find links that don't work anymore because the page they link to is gone. You can then suggest your own page as a replacement.
  • Outdated content - Look for older content that hasn't been updated in a while. Make a better version of this content and let the people who linked to the old version know about your new one.

Tools like BuzzSumo, Ahrefs Content Explorer, and SEMrush can show you:

  • Posts and guides that got a lot of shares and links. Try to create something even better that links back to your site.
  • Websites and blogs that are important in your area. You could write a guest post or suggest working together in some way.

Prioritize High Quality Sites

Try to get links from websites that are seen as trustworthy and relevant. Tools like Moz and Ahrefs can help you figure out which sites are the best.

Automate Outreach Where Possible

Use tools like Pitchbox, BuzzStream, and Mailshake to help you reach out to more sites, but make sure to add a personal touch to your messages.

Keep an eye on your backlinks with tools like Link Explorer and Google Search Console. Get rid of links that aren't helping, and make the good ones even better.

The main idea is to use SEO tools in a smart way to find and get good backlinks, and then make sure they're working well for you.

Engage with Industry Communities and Forums

Joining and being active in online groups and forums related to your business is a smart way to make friends, show you know your stuff, and get more people to link to your online shop. Here's how to do it without making it feel like work:

Provide Value in Facebook Groups

  • Look for Facebook groups that talk about selling online, or that are all about what you sell. Go for ones where people are really talking and helping each other out.

  • Don't just jump in and start talking about your shop. First, be helpful by answering questions or sharing tips. You want to be seen as someone who's there to help, not just to advertise.

  • If there's a good chance, share something from your blog that answers a question or adds to the conversation. Just make sure it's really useful before you drop that link.

  • Get to know the people who talk a lot in these groups. They might end up helping spread the word about your store.

Answer Questions on Forums

  • Find forums like Digital Point, Reddit, and Quora where people ask about stuff you know.

  • Give answers that show you've done your homework. If it makes sense, you can mention a blog post you wrote that goes deeper into the topic.

  • Check back on your answers to see if people liked them. Say thanks if they did and offer more help if you can.

  • The goal is to be the go-to person for good advice. This way, people will start linking to your site because they trust what you say.

Comment on Industry Blogs

  • Look for blogs that fit with what you sell and have readers who get involved.
  • When you leave a comment, make sure it adds something to the discussion. You want to be seen as someone who knows their stuff.
  • After you've left a few good comments, you could ask the blog owner if they'd be interested in a post from you, or if they'd link to something relevant you've written.
  • You can also try writing guest posts for these blogs. Think of topics their readers would be interested in.

The key here is to be a helpful part of the community. Show off your knowledge by helping others, and avoid being too pushy about your own stuff. This way, you'll build trust and get more backlinks naturally.

Collaborate with Influencers and Bloggers

Working with influencers and bloggers can be a great way for ecommerce stores to get more backlinks. Here's how to do it in a straightforward way:

Identify Relevant Influencers and Bloggers

  • Look for influencers and bloggers who talk about stuff related to what you sell. Use tools like BuzzSumo and SocialBlade to find them. Aim for those with at least 5,000 followers who really engage with their audience.
  • Make sure they're a good fit for your products by checking out their content. You want their audience to be interested in what you're offering.
  • Look for influencers who have a strong online presence. Tools like Ahrefs can show you if they have a good number of quality backlinks.

Provide Value to Foster Relationships

  • Think about working together on something cool like a giveaway or a product review that their followers would like.

  • You can send them your products for free, asking them to share their honest thoughts. Just remember not to push them for a glowing review.

  • Offer them a part of the sales through affiliate links or other deals, so it's worth their while.

  • Start by getting to know them and showing genuine interest in their work before you ask for anything.

Execute Campaigns Strategically

  • Be clear about what you hope to achieve, like getting more website visits or sales, and choose influencers who can help you reach those goals.

  • Use special links that let you track how much traffic and how many sales come from each influencer's posts. This helps you see what's working.

  • Keep using the good stuff they create in different ways and with different influencers to keep getting the word out over time.

  • Stay in touch even after your campaign is done. Be a good partner by sharing useful info and opportunities for more collaboration.

The main thing is to be helpful and interesting to influencers without making it all about selling your products. Building real friendships can lead to more people linking to your site and talking about your store.


Create Linkable Assets

Making stuff that people want to share can help you get more backlinks to your store. Here are some simple things you can make:


  • Take cool facts or numbers about shopping online and turn them into nice pictures. For example, show how much online shopping has grown in the last 5 years.

  • Put your store's name on it and link back to stuff you sell.

  • Share your picture on places like Facebook or Twitter, and ask other websites that talk about shopping to share it too.

How-to Guides

  • Write easy steps on things like choosing the right running shoes, and link to the shoes in your store.

  • Tell people about your guide on social media and ask websites that talk about running to show it off.

Expert Roundups

  • Ask people who know a lot about shopping for their thoughts on things like making clothes in a good way for the environment.
  • Put all their tips in one article and link to eco-friendly stuff you sell.
  • Share this on social media and with people who might be interested.

Research Reports

  • Ask your customers what they think and make a report on what you find out.
  • Write about the main things you learned and link to products that match what you're talking about.
  • Send your findings to people who write about shopping and offer them more info if they want to write a story.

The main idea is to make stuff that's really helpful. Then, show it to as many people as you can. Ask websites where your stuff fits to share it. This can help you get good backlinks after a while.

Explore HARO Opportunities

HARO (Help A Reporter Out) is a great way for ecommerce stores to get noticed by journalists and earn links back to their website. Here's how to use HARO effectively:

Sign Up and Set Notifications

  • First, sign up for a free HARO account and choose categories that match what you sell. This way, you'll get emails about journalists looking for sources in your area.
  • Use filters for keywords related to your business to spot the best chances to respond.
  • Turn on browser notifications or get the mobile app so you don't miss out on any opportunities even when you're not at your desk.

Craft Compelling Pitches

  • Read each request carefully to make sure you understand what the journalist is looking for.
  • Make your response specific to their question, and try to give unique insights or information that others might not offer.
  • Keep your answers short but packed with useful details like facts, numbers, and examples to show you know your stuff.
  • Quickly mention why you're the right person to answer this question, based on your experience.

Follow Up Politely

  • If a journalist gets back to you for more info, answer them quickly. This helps your chances of being featured.
  • Make sure any links to your website are correct.
  • If you end up getting a link, share the article on your social media and link back to it from your website.
  • Think about turning your response into a blog post or an infographic to get even more out of it.
  • Update old content on your site by adding the new info you shared.

Diversify Your Outreach

  • Besides HARO, check out other platforms like SourceBottle or ProfNet for more opportunities.
  • Keep an eye on hashtags like #journorequest on Twitter for more chances to jump in.
  • Try to connect with journalists on Twitter by giving helpful, straightforward comments on news and trends without being too promotional.

The main thing is to give journalists helpful and clear answers that fit exactly what they're asking for. This can help you build good relationships with them while getting your site some valuable links.

Participate in Product Roundups and Gift Guides

Getting your products into gift guides and product lists for big events or holidays can be a smart way to get good links from websites that a lot of people trust. Here's a simple way to do it:

Select Products Strategically

Think about these things when picking products to show off:

  • Theme - Choose items that fit well with the guide's theme (like Christmas or Mother's Day).

  • Visual Appeal - Pick products that look great in photos since guides love to show off nice pictures.

  • Relevance - Make sure your products match what the website usually talks about.

  • Value - Items that aren't too expensive, maybe under $50, tend to be popular because they're seen as great gift ideas.

Identify Relevant Publications

Look for places to feature your products, such as:

  • Big news sites with sections for lifestyle stories
  • Blogs that talk about things related to your products (like cooking or fashion)
  • Online magazines and websites that focus on your product's area

You can use tools like Ahrefs and BuzzSumo to find these sites. Look for ones that talk about gift ideas or have lots of links coming to them.

Create Effective Pitches

When you reach out, make sure to include:

  • The name and a description of your product
  • Why it's awesome
  • How much it costs
  • A link to where people can buy it
  • A quick note on why it's perfect for their guide

Keep your message short and sweet. Follow up nicely if you don't hear back. You might even want to offer a discount or a free sample to make them more likely to include your product.

Promote Included Products

If your product gets picked, share the guide on social media and your website. Send a quick thank you to the people who made the guide, and let them know if you see more sales or visits because of it. Stay in touch for future chances to work together.

Track Performance

Use special tracking links (UTM codes) to see how much traffic and sales you're getting from the guide. This helps you figure out which guides are worth your time.

By focusing on the right products and making a good pitch, you can get your items into gift guides and product roundups. This not only brings more people to your site but also helps build trust in your brand.


Getting more people to link to your online store is all about being smart and steady. Here's the rundown:

Leverage content marketing

Make stuff like in-depth guides, lists of expert advice, and cool pictures that show off your products. Good content gets noticed and shared.

Utilize SEO tools

Use tools to find and fix broken links or old content. Look for chances to get new links and keep track of how you're doing. Aim for links from websites that are well-respected.

Engage with communities

Join in on forums, Facebook groups, and blogs related to what you sell. Offer helpful advice and insights without pushing your products too much.

Partner with influencers

Work with people who have a good following and can talk about your products in a genuine way. Think about teaming up for reviews or special deals.

Make linkable assets

Create things like infographics, how-to guides, and research that's useful and interesting. Then, let websites that talk about your type of products know about them.

Explore HARO

Answer questions from reporters looking for expert advice. Make sure your answers are spot on and useful. Turn any successful coverage into more content for your site.

Get into roundups

Pick great products and pitch them to big websites for their holiday guides or best-of lists. Make sure your products look good and are a good match for their audience.

The main thing is to mix different ways of getting links so you can build up your store's reputation and get more people to visit. It takes time, but it's worth it for your store to be seen as a go-to place.

How do beginners get backlinks?

If you're just starting out, here are some simple ways to get backlinks:

  • Create stuff worth sharing like cool pictures, guides, and tools. Then, ask other websites to link to your stuff.
  • Fix broken links on other sites by offering one of your pages as a replacement.
  • Help reporters out on sites like HARO by answering their questions. If they use your answer, you'll likely get a backlink.
  • Write guest posts for blogs in your area. You can include a couple of links back to your site.
  • Get reviews and testimonials for your products. The sites showcasing these often link back to you.
  • Look at your competitors' backlinks to see if you can create similar, high-quality content to get links too.

The trick is to make things that people want to share and to ask nicely for links back to your site.

For ecommerce stores, try these strategies:

  • Make linkable assets like infographics and guides about your products. These can attract links naturally.
  • Work with influencers for product reviews and shared content. Offer them a deal for linking back.
  • Use digital PR to get press coverage by sharing insights and trends. This can lead to quality links.
  • Guest post on relevant blogs and include links back to your store.
  • Get into product roundups by submitting your items for gift guides and lists on popular sites.

Focus on creating great content that other sites want to link to because it's helpful for their readers.

How do small businesses get backlinks?

Small businesses can build backlinks by:

  • Guest blogging on industry blogs that let you link back to your site.
  • Finding and fixing broken links on related sites.
  • Creating share-worthy assets like how-tos, infographics, and tools.
  • Getting featured in roundups by submitting your best products or content.
  • Answering questions on HARO for a chance to get press mentions.
  • Gathering expert advice for your blog, which may get linked to.
  • Refreshing old content to make it link-worthy again.

The idea is to offer value and show you're an authority, making others want to link to you.

To get more backlinks for your Shopify store:

  • Create visual content like infographics about your niche and ask related sites to share it.
  • Guest post on blogs in your niche, placing links to your store in your bio.
  • Get product reviews by sending free samples to influencers, asking them to include your store link.
  • Join online conversations on Reddit, Quora, and forums. Share your knowledge and link back to your store where relevant.
  • Fix broken links on other sites and suggest your page as a replacement.
  • Keep track of your backlinks using tools like Google Search Console to find good places for more links.

Aim to create helpful content and engage in genuine conversations, making your store a go-to resource that people want to link to.

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