Payment Gateways

How to connect PayPal to your Store

PayPal +

PayPal is available in over 200 countries, making it the ultimate solution for global transactions. enables you to connect your PayPal account and charge your customers directly, without any fees to Here's how you can make it work in a few simple steps.

1. Login into Your PayPal Account

Please follow this link, login in your PayPal Business Account and get ready to continue on step #2

2. Switch to live mode

Check if you are in Live mode, if not switch it via the toggle in the top-right corner on the page.

3. Create a New API App for

To obtain API keys, we recommend creating a new App. Please ensure that you create a live account; otherwise, the integration will not function. We suggest naming the app "Marketsy" for easier identification in case you use your account for other integrations in the future.

4. Copy & Paste the Credentials

You've completed the most complex part. Now, all you need to do is copy the values from your PayPal account to the admin panel.

5. Submit the Form

Click "Connect to PayPal Account" and wait momentarily. You will then receive a notification confirming your successful connection, as shown in the image below

Congratulations 🎉

Congratulations, you're now set up to receive customer payments directly into your PayPal account! If you encounter any issues, please don't hesitate to contact us via email: or via chat solution on admin panel!