Igor BokyAlexey Kramin
9 minutes read
September 16, 2024
Published: August 04, 2024

Who Should Sell Digital Products on Amazon: The Best Fit for Creators

Amazon's digital marketplace is ideal for:

  • Authors
  • Musicians
  • Software developers
  • Course creators
  • Educational content developers
  • Digital service providers

Here's a quick overview of who fits best and why:

Creator Type Best For Key Advantages
Content Creators Ebooks, audiobooks, music Large audience, easy publishing
Educational Content Developers Online courses, learning materials Global reach, passive income
Software/App Developers Mobile apps, computer programs 70% revenue share, built-in customer base
Digital Service Providers Design, writing, consulting Access to Amazon customers, repeat business potential

Pros of selling on Amazon:

  • Huge customer base
  • Trusted platform
  • Immediate product delivery

Cons to consider:

  • Amazon takes a cut of sales
  • Less control over pricing
  • High competition

Before selling on Amazon, evaluate your skills, target market, and willingness to work within Amazon's guidelines. The platform offers great potential for reaching customers, but requires sharing profits and following specific rules.

1. Content Creators

Content creators are well-suited to sell digital products on Amazon. The platform's large customer base and variety of products make it a good place for creators to make money from their digital work.

Skills Needed

Content creators need these skills to do well on Amazon:

  • Good writing or design abilities
  • Basic knowledge of digital publishing formats
  • Understanding of Amazon's rules for content

For example, authors must format ebooks correctly for Kindle, while artists need to make high-quality digital art files for Amazon Merch.

Market Size

There's a big market for content creators on Amazon:

  • Many potential customers browse Amazon daily
  • People want more digital content in different areas
  • Chance to reach customers worldwide

Creators can focus on specific markets like education, entertainment, or job skills.

Technical Issues

Selling on Amazon has benefits, but creators may face some technical problems:

  • Learning to use Amazon's different platforms (like KDP, Merch, TuneCore)
  • Making product listings show up in Amazon searches
  • Managing rights to digital products

To solve these issues, creators should spend time learning how Amazon works and how to sell digital products well.

Ways to Make Money

Content creators can make money on Amazon in several ways:

Product Platform How You Get Paid
Ebooks Kindle Direct Publishing 35% or 70% of sales
Digital Art Amazon Merch Money for each sale
Music TuneCore/Amazon Music Money from streaming and downloads
Online Courses Amazon marketplace Set your price, pay Amazon a fee

2. Educational Content Developers

Educational content developers can do well selling digital products on Amazon. They make learning materials that many people want to buy online.

Skills Needed

To do well on Amazon, educational content developers should:

  • Know a lot about their subject
  • Make content that's easy to understand and interesting
  • Know how to design good lessons
  • Be able to use digital tools to make content
  • Understand Amazon's rules for content

Market Size

There are many customers for educational content on Amazon:

  • More people want to learn online
  • You can make content for many subjects and skill levels
  • People all over the world use Amazon to learn
  • Schools might buy extra materials for their classes

Technical Issues

Educational content developers might face some problems:

  • Making content work on different devices (like Kindle or computers)
  • Adding things like quizzes to digital products
  • Making sure content looks good on all screen sizes
  • Stopping people from sharing paid content for free

Ways to Make Money

Educational content developers can sell different things on Amazon:

What to Sell Where to Sell It How You Get Paid
Digital textbooks Kindle Direct Publishing Money from each sale
Video lessons Amazon Marketplace Set your price, pay Amazon a fee
Learning apps Amazon Appstore Share money with Amazon
Printable worksheets Amazon Marketplace Set price for each download

3. Software and App Developers

Software and app developers can sell their products on Amazon. This lets them reach many customers and make money from their work.

Skills Needed

To do well on Amazon, software and app developers should:

  • Know how to code and make software
  • Make apps that are easy to use
  • Follow Amazon's rules for apps
  • Know how to make apps show up in searches
  • Write clear instructions for their products

Market Size

There are many chances to sell software and apps on Amazon:

  • Amazon's app store takes different types of apps
  • Many people use Amazon to buy apps
  • Developers can sell to customers all over the world

Technical Issues

Developers might face some problems:

  • Making sure apps work on different Amazon devices
  • Following Amazon's rules for apps
  • Stopping people from copying their work
  • Making apps run well on all devices

Ways to Make Money

Developers can make money on Amazon by:

How to Make Money What It Means How Much You Get
Selling apps People buy your app once 70% of what they pay
In-app purchases People buy extra things in your app 70% of what they pay
Subscriptions People pay to use your app every month 70% of what they pay
Ads You show ads in free apps Depends on how many people see the ads

4. Digital Service Providers

People who offer digital services can use Amazon to reach many customers. These services include things like making graphics, managing social media, helping with tasks online, building websites, writing, translating, giving advice, and teaching skills.

What You Need to Know

To do well selling digital services on Amazon, you should:

  • Be good at what you do
  • Talk clearly with customers
  • Finish work on time and do a good job
  • Know how to use the right computer programs
  • Understand Amazon's rules for selling services

How Big is the Market?

There are many chances to sell digital services on Amazon:

  • More people want help with online work
  • You can sell to people all over the world
  • You can offer set services with fixed prices
  • You might get regular work from the same customers

Problems You Might Face

Some things might be hard when selling services on Amazon:

  • Setting up your page to show what you can do
  • Talking to customers through Amazon's system
  • Sending files safely and keeping customer information private
  • Getting good reviews from customers

Ways to Make Money

What You Offer How You Price It How Much You Can Earn
Set services One price for each job You know how much you'll get
Custom work Price based on what the customer needs More money for bigger jobs
Ready-made services Same price for everyone Can do more work faster
Monthly help Customers pay every month Same money coming in each month

Good and Bad Points

Let's look at the pros and cons for each type of creator selling digital products on Amazon:

Creator Type Pros Cons
Content Creators - Many potential customers
- People trust Amazon
- Products delivered right away
- No need to store products
- Amazon takes a bigger cut than selling on your own
- Less control over pricing
- Many other sellers to compete with
Educational Content Developers - Can reach people worldwide
- Easy to sell more without extra work
- Can make money while you sleep
- Simple to manage
- Limited ways to set up courses
- Might need to change content for Amazon
- Harder to talk directly with students
Software and App Developers - Can sell in Amazon's app store
- Keep 70% of what you make
- Apps work on different Amazon devices
- Ready-made group of customers
- Must follow Amazon's rules
- People might copy your app illegally
- Have to compete with free apps
- Harder to update your app quickly
Digital Service Providers - Many Amazon customers can see your services
- Can get repeat customers
- Can set different prices for services
- Low costs to run your business
- Hard to talk with customers through Amazon
- Tough to show what your services are like
- Have to use Amazon's system
- Need to keep customer ratings high

Creators should think carefully about these good and bad points before selling on Amazon. The site offers many customers, trust, and easy delivery. But creators might make less money and have less control than if they sold on their own.

For people who make content or teach, Amazon is a good way to reach many people without spending a lot upfront. Customers can get things like ebooks right away, which can make them happy and lead to more sales.

App makers can use Amazon's app store to sell on many devices. People trust Amazon, which can help. But app makers need to follow Amazon's rules and compete with many other apps.

People who offer digital services might find it hard to show what they do on Amazon. But they can reach many customers and maybe get repeat business. The key is to balance using Amazon's big audience with giving good service within Amazon's limits.


Selling digital products on Amazon can help creators reach many customers worldwide. Here's a quick look at which creators fit best on Amazon:

Creator Type Best For Things to Think About
Content Creators Ebooks, audiobooks, music Easy to use KDP and ACX, low startup costs
Educational Content Developers Online courses, learning materials Can reach many students, but course setup might be limited
Software and App Developers Mobile apps, computer programs 70% of sales go to you, but must follow Amazon's rules
Digital Service Providers Online services (e.g., design, writing) Many potential customers, but hard to show what you do

Good things about selling on Amazon:

  • Lots of customers from around the world
  • Products get to buyers right away
  • Can make money while you sleep

Things to watch out for:

  • Amazon takes some of your money
  • You can't always set your own prices
  • Lots of other sellers to compete with

Amazon works best for content creators and people who make learning materials. They can easily sell things like ebooks and online courses. App makers and service providers might have a harder time, but can still do well if they work within Amazon's rules.

Before you start selling on Amazon, think about what you're good at and what you want to sell. If you're okay with following Amazon's rules and sharing some of your profits, it can be a good way to reach many customers and grow your business.


What digital assets can I sell on Amazon?


Amazon lets you sell many types of digital products:

Product Type Platform
eBooks Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP)
Audiobooks Audiobook Creation Exchange (ACX)
Music Amazon Music Direct
Software and apps Amazon Appstore
Digital art and photos Amazon Marketplace
Online courses Amazon Marketplace

Can I sell digital products on Amazon?

Yes, you can. Here's why it's good:

  • You can start right away without storing items
  • You can reach many customers worldwide
  • Amazon has tools for different digital products
  • You might make more money because costs are low

What is considered a digital item on Amazon?

Digital items on Amazon are things people can buy, download, and use on their devices. These include:

  • eBooks and audiobooks
  • Music and movies
  • Software and games
  • Online courses
  • Digital art and photos

People can use these on Kindles, computers, phones, and tablets.

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