Igor BokyAlexey Kramin
9 minutes read
September 09, 2024
Published: August 05, 2024

What Digital Products to Sell on Etsy: Trends and Ideas for 2024

Here's a quick guide to selling digital products on Etsy in 2024:

  • Top-selling items: Printable planners, digital art, business templates, craft patterns
  • Emerging trends: Eco-friendly products, AI-generated designs, customizable items
  • Why sell digital: Low costs, high profits, global reach, passive income

Key strategies for success:

  1. Find your niche
  2. Create high-quality, unique products
  3. Optimize your Etsy listings
  4. Protect your work
  5. Offer excellent customer service
Product Type Examples Benefits
Printables Planners, wall art Easy to create, high demand
Templates Resumes, social media graphics Time-saving for buyers
Digital Art Illustrations, clip art No physical inventory
Patterns Knitting, sewing designs Appealing to crafters
E-books Guides, tutorials Share expertise

Selling digital products on Etsy can be profitable in 2024. Focus on creating useful, high-quality items for specific audiences to stand out in the market.

What Are Digital Products on Etsy?


Digital products on Etsy are items customers can buy and download right away. These products don't need to be shipped, which is good for both sellers and buyers. There are many types of digital products, from art you can print to templates you can change.

Types of Digital Products

Etsy sells many kinds of digital products:

Type Examples
Printables Planners, calendars, wall art
Templates Resumes, social media graphics
Digital Art Drawings, clip art
Patterns Knitting and sewing designs
Learning Materials Worksheets, e-books

These products help with different things, like staying organized or starting a business.

Why Sell Digital Products on Etsy?

Selling digital products on Etsy has many good points:

Good for Sellers Good for Buyers
Low costs to start Get products right away
Sell to people all over the world Can change products to fit needs
Make money while you sleep Often cheaper than physical items
Easy to fix or update products Better for the environment

For sellers, digital products let you use your skills to make money without dealing with shipping or storing items. You can make a product once and sell it many times, which is a good way to build an online business.

Let's look at what's going to be popular for digital products on Etsy in 2024. Knowing these trends can help sellers make products that people want to buy.

Eco-Friendly Digital Products

More people want to buy things that are good for the environment. On Etsy, this means:

  • Printable labels for reusable containers
  • Digital planners that help reduce waste

These products help people who want to use less paper and plastic.

AI-Generated Digital Products

AI is now being used to make digital products. This includes:

  • Unique digital art
  • Tools that use AI to help with tasks

Sellers can use AI to make new kinds of products or to help buyers do things faster.

Custom Digital Items

People like products they can change to fit their needs. Popular items include:

Product What it's for
Resume Templates Job applications
Social Media Post Templates Making eye-catching posts
Digital Planners Organizing daily tasks
Business Card Designs Professional networking
Wedding Invitation Suites Planning weddings

Wellness Digital Products

More people are focusing on their health and happiness. Digital products for this include:

  • Printable self-care planners
  • Meditation guides
  • Mood trackers

These help buyers take care of their mental health every day.

Online Learning Materials

Many people are learning online. Sellers can make:

  • Printable worksheets
  • E-books
  • Online course materials

If you know a lot about something, you can make learning tools for students or anyone who wants to learn new things.

Top Digital Product Categories on Etsy

Let's look at the most popular digital products on Etsy in 2024.

Printable Planners

Printable planners are big sellers on Etsy. They help people stay organized:

  • Daily, weekly, and monthly planners
  • Goal and habit trackers
  • Special planners for fitness, meals, or money

To do well, make planners with new looks or for specific groups like students or business owners.

Digital Art and Design

People want digital art and design products for many uses:

Product Use
Digital prints Wall art for homes
Illustrations and clipart For creative projects
Logo templates For business branding
Social media templates For online posts

Sellers often do best when they focus on one style or theme.

Business and Personal Templates

Templates help people save time and look professional:

  • Resume templates for job seekers
  • Social media post templates for businesses
  • Invoice templates for freelancers
  • Website templates for new online businesses

Make your templates easy to change and use to stand out.

Digital Craft Patterns

Craft lovers always want new patterns:

  • Knitting and crochet patterns
  • Sewing patterns for clothes and home items
  • Embroidery designs
  • Quilting patterns for all skill levels

Give clear steps and help to keep customers coming back.

Printable Home Decor

People like printable home decor because it's cheap and can be changed:

  • Wall art prints with quotes or pictures
  • Labels to organize things
  • Holiday decorations
  • Family rules or welcome signs

Try making sets that go together or let people change the designs to make your products more appealing.


How to Succeed Selling Digital Products

Here's how to do well selling digital products on Etsy:

Find Your Niche and Audience

To stand out on Etsy, you need to know what to sell and who to sell to:

  • Use Etsy's search bar to find popular products
  • Look at what other sellers are doing
  • Read customer reviews to understand what buyers want

Pick a specific group to sell to. For example, if you make planners, you could focus on students, business owners, or people who like to exercise.

Make Good, New Products

Creating good, new digital products helps you succeed:

What to Do Why It's Important
Make something different Helps you stand out
Make high-quality items Builds trust with customers
Make sure products work well Keeps customers happy
Make products look good Attracts more buyers

Keep learning new skills and stay up-to-date with design trends. Think about letting customers change your products to make them more appealing.

Improve Your Etsy Listings

Making your Etsy listings better can help you sell more:

1. Use the right words: Put popular search words in your titles, tags, and descriptions so people can find your products.

2. Write good product descriptions: Clearly explain what your digital products do and how they help. Tell buyers what kind of files they'll get and how to use them.

3. Show clear pictures: Use good-looking images to show off your digital products. Include examples of how people might use them.

4. Set fair prices: Look at similar products to make sure your prices are fair but still make you money.

5. Help customers quickly: Answer questions fast and fix problems right away to get good reviews.

New Digital Product Opportunities

In 2024, Etsy sellers can try new types of digital products. Here are two areas that look good for the future.

VR and AR Products


VR (Virtual Reality) and AR (Augmented Reality) are changing digital products. They mix the digital world with the real world. Here's what Etsy sellers can make:

Product Type Description Examples
3D Models for VR Things to use in virtual spaces Furniture for VR home tours, characters for VR games
AR Filters Special effects for social media Holiday themes, face filters
VR Templates Ready-made VR spaces Virtual art galleries, store layouts
AR Printables Paper items that work with AR apps Posters or cards that move when seen through a phone

Interactive Digital Products

People like digital products they can use and change. Here are some ideas:

  1. Clickable Ebooks: Books with parts you can click on or quizzes inside.

  2. Digital Escape Rooms: Puzzle games people can play on their computers or phones.

  3. Changeable Art: Pictures buyers can change, like family trees or logos.

  4. Smart Planners: Planners that update themselves or change based on what you do.

  5. Learning Games: Worksheets or lessons that feel like games and keep track of how you're doing.

These new products can help Etsy sellers make things people want to buy. They're fun to use and different from regular digital items.

Challenges for Digital Product Sellers

Selling digital products on Etsy can be good, but it has some problems. Let's look at two big issues sellers face and how to fix them.

Protect Your Digital Products

Keeping your digital items safe is important. Here's how to do it:

Method How it helps
Add watermarks Stops others from using your work
Register copyright Gives legal protection
Write clear terms Tells buyers how they can use your products
Limit downloads Stops people from sharing your files
Use safe file sending Keeps your files secure

Stand Out in a Crowded Market

Many people sell digital products on Etsy. To do well, you need to be different:

1. Show what's special: Tell buyers why your products are better than others.

2. Use good pictures: Make your product images look nice to catch buyers' eyes.

3. Help customers well: Answer questions fast and be nice to buyers.

4. Pick a small area: Focus on making products for a specific group of people.

5. Keep products new: Update your items often to stay current.


In 2024, digital products on Etsy are doing well. People want new and useful digital items. Here's what's popular and how to do well:

What's Popular How to Do Well
Green products Make digital items that help the earth
AI-made products Use AI to make new designs
Products you can change Let people make the product their own
Health and wellness items Make digital things for mind and body health
Learning materials Create things to help people learn

To sell digital products well on Etsy:

1. Pick a specific area: Make products for a certain group of people

2. Make good products: Give people high-quality, well-made items

3. Make your shop easy to find: Use words people search for and write good descriptions

4. Keep your work safe: Use watermarks and tell people how they can use your products

5. Be different: Show why your products are special

The best digital products on Etsy are made for specific groups. Instead of making general items, focus on 1-3 areas for each type of product. For example, make "Simple fall phone backgrounds for iPhone and Android" instead of just phone backgrounds.


Is selling digital products on Etsy profitable in 2024?

Yes, selling digital products on Etsy can make good money in 2024. Here's why:

Do digital downloads sell well on Etsy?

Digital downloads are very popular on Etsy. Many people buy them because:

  • Sellers don't spend much to make them
  • Buyers can get them right away
  • They often cost less than physical items

Many sellers find that digital downloads make more money than physical products.

What are the most profitable digital products to sell on Etsy?

Here are some digital products that sell well on Etsy:

Type Examples
Art & Design Wall art to print, clip art, logos
Craft Patterns Sewing and knitting instructions
Planners & Templates Wedding items, menu designs
Business Tools Etsy shop banners, product labels
Learning Materials Coloring pages, worksheets

These items are good to sell because:

  • Many people want them
  • You can sell the same file many times
  • You don't need to make new ones each time someone buys
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