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Alexey Kramin
3 minutes read
October 22, 2024
Published: June 17, 2024

User Data Collection, Widgets, Podcast Launch, Native Integration with Unicorn Platform

A big part of your revenue is hidden in abandoned carts

Did you know that the abandoned cart recovery rate for digital products sits between 10% and 20%? Considering this potential revenue, you definitely need to take action to capture it. But how?

Start by sending personalized emails to customers who abandoned their carts. These emails have a higher open and click rate compared to regular marketing emails, but you need to craft them properly. You can include:

  • Personalization
  • Product details
  • Special offer
  • Call to Action
  • Social proof

While we are working on automation for your revenue recovery, you can already see all the customers who haven’t converted on the orders page. And engage with them to convert more.

Recover revenue

Abandoned cart in your store

Use any website as a storefront with products widgets

You might have your favorite website builder or code your sites yourself. But when it comes to e-commerce features, especially for digital products, the complexity and pricing of solutions can grow drastically. The good news is that you can avoid this using Marketsy.ai widgets. Even without using it as a storefront (which is great, IMO 😉), you can still benefit from the Marketsy.ai checkout and product management system.

How to do so? There are 3 easy steps:

  1. Create a widget in 1 click
  2. Copy the chunk of code
  3. Paste it into your website code

Not a tech person? It’s a simple procedure for any no-code website builder. All of them allow inserting custom code snippets.

Still struggling to do it? Just let us know, and we will do it for you.

Create your first widget

Widgets page in the admin panel

We launched a podcast 🚀

After our last interview, we decided to take a step further. So, let me introduce the Remote Income (we are still thinking about the title 😅 so you can suggest one). It’s a podcast for and about creators and entrepreneurs who sell digital products as a side gig or as a full-time job.

Our first guest was Evgeny Bik, the founder of Day One Careers, where he helps people secure jobs at Amazon through his online courses. He has enormous experience in marketing and entrepreneurship. The conversation was full of insights for me personally, and I hope the creators we do it for will find it useful too.

You can find the first episode on our YouTube channel

The first episode of the Remote Income Podcast

Our native widget will appear on Unicorn Platform 🦄 soon

Alongside our widget feature, we started implementing the native widget for Unicorn Platform, a no-code tool that helps quickly create websites without design or development skills for SaaS, apps, directories, blogs, personal pages, and more. It already has plenty of cool features but lacks a really important one—e-commerce. And this is where Marketsy.ai will shine again. In exchange, we get a chance to acquire even more fans and help more entrepreneurs earn money online.

A screenshot of genius promo video of Unicorn Platform

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