Alexey Kramin
14 minutes read
September 08, 2024
Published: July 12, 2024

Top Strategies for Monetizing PLR Digital Products

PLR (Private Label Rights) digital products offer a quick way to create and sell content without starting from scratch. Here are the top 10 strategies to monetize PLR products:

  1. Customize and rebrand
  2. Create info products
  3. Build an email list
  4. Enhance existing products
  5. Develop membership sites
  6. Use as affiliate marketing bonuses
  7. Integrate with eCommerce
  8. Leverage for content marketing and SEO
  9. Create online courses
  10. Offer PLR as services
Strategy Key Benefit
Customization Unique products
Info products Quick creation
Email list Ongoing sales
Product enhancement Higher value
Membership sites Recurring revenue
Affiliate bonuses Increased conversions
eCommerce Wider reach
Content marketing Improved SEO
Online courses Passive income
PLR services B2B opportunities

To succeed with PLR:

  • Choose quality content
  • Customize extensively
  • Price strategically
  • Focus on customer value
  • Stay updated on market trends

What are PLR Digital Products?

PLR digital products are ready-made digital items that you can buy, change, and sell as your own. They come with Private Label Rights, which let you do this. These products include:

  • Ebooks and reports
  • Website templates and graphics
  • Videos and audio content
  • Software and apps
  • Online courses and training materials

PLR products save time and money. Instead of making everything from scratch, you can use existing materials and change them to fit your needs. This helps you create new products faster and cheaper.

Table: PLR Digital Products - Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
Saves time May not be unique
Costs less Quality can vary
Many content types Might need lots of changes
Quick to make Some use limits
Easy to grow Popular topics may be overused

While PLR products have many good points, they also have some downsides. The quality can be different depending on who made them, and popular topics might be used too much. To get the most out of PLR digital products:

  1. Make them your own: Edit the content to match your brand and expertise.

  2. Check the quality: Choose good PLR products and improve them if needed.

  3. Add something special: Include your own ideas and extra resources to make your products stand out.

  4. Follow the rules: Make sure you understand what you can and can't do with each PLR product.

1. Customization and Rebranding

Changing PLR digital products to fit your brand is a key way to make money from them. By making these ready-made items your own, you can create products that connect with your audience and stand out.

How to Customize

You can change many parts of PLR products to match your brand:

  • Use your brand's fonts and colors
  • Add your own pictures and graphics
  • Include your own stories and knowledge
  • Rewrite parts to sound like your brand

Making More Money

When you customize well, you can:

  • Charge more for your products
  • Have less competition from others selling the same PLR content
  • Sell more because your products fit your audience better
  • Get customers to buy from you again because they know your brand

Easy to Do

Changing PLR products is not hard:

  1. Choose good PLR content from trusted sellers
  2. Use simple design tools to change how it looks
  3. Change the words to match your style
  4. Add your logo and contact info
  5. Make new, interesting titles and descriptions

Table: Steps to Customize PLR Products

Step Action
1 Pick good PLR content
2 Change the design
3 Edit the text
4 Add your brand info
5 Create new titles

2. Creating Info Products

Making info products from PLR content is a good way to make money from digital items. You can quickly make useful things for your audience while saving time and work.

Making It Your Own

PLR content gives you a good start for making unique info products. To make your products different:

  • Mix several PLR items to make big guides
  • Add your own ideas and examples
  • Change the writing to match your style
  • Add your own pictures or charts

Making Money

Info products from PLR can help you make money:

Product Type How to Use PLR
eBooks Turn PLR articles into full books on specific topics
Online Courses Use PLR videos and articles to make structured lessons
Email Series Make automatic email lessons from PLR content
Member Sites Use PLR as the base for special content for members

Easy to Do

Making info products from PLR is not hard:

1. Pick good PLR content that fits your topic

2. Change the content to match your brand

3. Put the content in the right form (like an eBook or course)

4. Add extra helpful items (like worksheets)

5. Set up a way to give people your product

3. Building an Email List

Using PLR digital products to build an email list is a good way to make money. You can use PLR content to get people to sign up for your emails and then sell to them later.

How to Change PLR for Email Lists

You can use PLR content in different ways for email lists:

  • Turn PLR articles into free reports to get email signups
  • Make email courses using PLR materials
  • Create special content for subscribers using PLR

Making Money from Your Email List

An email list built with PLR can help you make money:

What to Do How It Works
Sell Products Send emails about your PLR products
Special Deals Give subscribers discounts and early access
Promote Other Products Include affiliate links in your emails

Easy Steps to Build Your List

Here's how to build an email list using PLR:

  1. Pick good PLR content your readers will like
  2. Change the content to match your style
  3. Put a signup form on your website
  4. Offer free PLR content to get email addresses
  5. Write emails to keep in touch and sell products

4. Making Existing Products Better

Adding PLR content to your current products can help you make more money. You can use good PLR materials to improve what you already sell and give customers more for their money.

How to Change PLR Content

You can change PLR content in many ways to make your products better:

  • Add your own ideas and examples
  • Use different types of content like ebooks and checklists
  • Make it look better with your own pictures or design

How to Make More Money

Making your products better with PLR can help you earn more:

What to Do How It Works
Sell for more Offer better versions of products at higher prices
Sell related items Make new products that go well with what you already sell
Charge monthly Keep adding new content to justify ongoing fees

Easy Steps to Follow

Here's how to use PLR to make your products better:

  1. Find parts of your products that need more content
  2. Pick good PLR that fits your product and what your customers want
  3. Change the PLR to fit with your product
  4. Try out the new, better product to make sure it works well
  5. Tell people about the new things you've added to your product

5. Developing Membership Sites

Membership sites are a good way to make money from PLR digital products. You can create a place where people pay to see special content, which can bring in money regularly while giving your customers useful things.

Making It Your Own

To make your membership site different from others:

  • Change PLR content to fit your site's style
  • Make the content fit what your customers want
  • Keep adding new things to keep members interested

Making Money

Membership sites can help you make steady money:

How to Make Money What It Is
Monthly Fees People pay every month to use your site
Different Levels Offer different prices for different amounts of content
Extra Sales Sell special content or services for more money

How to Start

Starting a membership site with PLR content is not hard:

  1. Pick a good website builder like GrooveFunnels
  2. Choose and organize your PLR content
  3. Set up ways for people to pay and join
  4. Start small to get feedback and make things better
  5. Keep improving based on what members like and what's new in your field

6. Affiliate Marketing Bonuses

Using PLR products as extras in affiliate marketing can help you sell more and give customers more for their money. This can make your affiliate marketing work better and help you stand out from other marketers.

How to Change PLR for Bonuses

To make PLR products work well as affiliate bonuses:

  • Change the content to fit your brand and what your readers like
  • Add your own ideas to make it different
  • Make sure the information is up-to-date
  • Split big PLR products into smaller, focused bonuses

How to Make Money

Giving PLR products as affiliate bonuses can help you sell in these ways:

What It Does How It Works
More Sales Good bonuses make people want to buy through your link
Better Pay Some affiliate programs pay you more if you sell a lot
Customers Come Back Good bonuses can make customers like you and buy again

Easy Steps to Use

Here's how to use PLR products as affiliate bonuses:

  1. Pick good PLR products that fit your topic
  2. Change and put your name on the content
  3. Set up a way to give out the bonuses (like automatic emails)
  4. Tell people about the affiliate offer with your special bonus package

7. eCommerce Integration

Adding PLR digital products to your online store can help you make more money. You can use big online marketplaces to sell to more people and increase your sales.

Making Products Your Own

When you add PLR products to your online store, it's important to change them:

  • Make them look like they're part of your store
  • Change the content so it's not the same as everyone else's
  • Put products together in sets to make them seem worth more

Making Money

Selling PLR products in your online store can help you earn more:

Where to Sell Why It's Good
Shopify Easy to set up, has tools to help you sell
Etsy Lots of people looking for digital products
Amazon Kindle Sell eBooks to many readers

How to Do It

Here's how to start selling PLR products in your online store:

1. Pick a good place to sell (like Sellfy or Payhip)

2. Put your changed PLR products on the site

3. Choose prices that people will pay

4. Write good descriptions of your products

5. Use the site's tools to tell people about what you're selling

8. Content Marketing and SEO

Using content marketing and SEO can help you make more money from PLR digital products. These methods can bring more people to your website and increase sales of your changed PLR content.

How to Change PLR for Content Marketing and SEO

To make your PLR content work better for SEO and content marketing:

  1. Rewrite more than half of the content to make it new
  2. Add your own ideas and stories
  3. Use good titles and descriptions with keywords
  4. Add links to your own pages and other helpful sites

How to Make Money

Using content marketing and SEO can help you earn more:

What to Do How It Helps
Get more website visitors People find you through search engines
Make your brand known More people see and remember your brand
Get email addresses Collect emails to sell to people later
Sell other people's products Add links to products you recommend

Easy Steps to Follow

Here's how to use content marketing and SEO with your PLR products:

  1. Use tools to find good keywords
  2. Plan when to post your content
  3. Use WordPress plugins to help with SEO
  4. Turn PLR content into blog posts, social media updates, and emails

9. Creating Online Courses

Making online courses is a good way to make money from PLR digital products. You can use PLR content to quickly make and start courses that help your audience and make you money.

How to Change PLR for Courses

You can change PLR content for online courses in these ways:

  • Add your logo and colors to make it look like yours
  • Add your own ideas and stories to the content
  • Turn written content into videos, slides, or quizzes

How to Make Money

Online courses made from PLR products can make money in these ways:

How to Sell What It Is
Sell One by One Sell courses on your website or on sites like Udemy
Sell Memberships Let people join a site to get your courses
Sell More Use courses to get people to buy bigger, more expensive things

Easy Steps to Make Courses

Here's how to make online courses with PLR content:

  1. Pick PLR materials that fit what you teach and what people want to learn
  2. Change the content to match your style and brand
  3. Split the material into smaller parts or lessons
  4. Make things like videos, quizzes, and worksheets for the course
  5. Set up a way to give people the course or add it to your website

10. Offering PLR as Services

You can make money by using PLR digital products to offer services. This lets you use your skills and PLR content to help businesses and people who don't have time or know-how to make content themselves.

How to Change PLR for Services

You can change PLR products in many ways when using them as a service:

  • Edit PLR content to match how your client talks and writes
  • Change general PLR articles or ebooks to fit specific businesses
  • Turn written PLR content into social media posts, blog articles, or emails

By changing PLR content, you can make special, good-quality work for your clients while saving time.

How to Make Money

You can make money from PLR services in different ways:

Service Type What It Is Who Might Want It
Freelance Content Use PLR to make custom content Online business owners, social media managers
Help for Local Businesses Give content help to shops and services Small businesses, local stores
Website Content Make website content using PLR New businesses, companies going online

You can offer these services for one project or keep helping with content, which can bring in steady money.

How to Start

Starting to offer PLR as a service is not hard:

  1. Buy good PLR products that fit what your customers need
  2. Make a plan for changing and branding PLR content quickly
  3. Create different service packages for different customer needs and budgets
  4. Tell possible customers about your services, showing why good, custom content matters

Tips for Successful PLR Monetization

Here are some key tips to help you make more money with PLR products:

Quality Control and Content Curation

1. Choose Good PLR: Pick high-quality PLR products from trusted sellers. This helps you give your customers good value.

2. Make It Your Own: Add your own brand to PLR content. Put in your logo or website address. This makes your product different from others.

3. Keep It Fresh: Update the information in PLR content and add your own ideas. This makes your products better and more useful.

Consideration What to Do
PLR Licenses Read and follow the rules for each PLR product
Avoid Copyright Issues Make sure you can change and sell the PLR content
Protect Your Work Think about getting a trademark for your changed PLR products

Pricing Strategies for PLR-Based Products

Here's how to price your PLR-based products:

Strategy What It Is Best For
Value Pricing Set prices based on what customers think it's worth PLR products you've changed a lot
Match the Market Price your products like others in the market When you're new to a market
Bundle Deals Sell multiple PLR products together for less Getting people to buy more
Different Levels Have different prices for different amounts of access Membership sites or courses


Let's look back at the main ways to make money with PLR digital products:

1. Try Different Methods: Using more than one way often works best. For example, you can make a membership site and also give PLR content as free gifts when selling other people's products.

2. Focus on Good Quality: Always choose good PLR products and make them better with your own ideas. This makes your products different from others.

3. Use New Tools: Use AI tools to change products and make content faster. This helps you do more in less time.

Way to Make Money Main Benefit
Change Products Makes your product different
Sell in Groups Makes people think it's worth more
Make a Membership Site Get money every month
Use Social Media Reach more people

In the future, making money with PLR products will likely use more AI, focus on small groups of customers, and find new ways to give people content. As online selling changes, there will be new ways to make money with PLR products. Keep learning and always try to give your customers good products.


Can you really make money with PLR?

Yes, you can make money with PLR (Private Label Rights) products. Here's how:

Strategy Description
Pick good PLR Choose high-quality content and change it to fit your brand
Use many ways to sell Make email lists, info products, online courses, and affiliate bonuses
Market well Use social media, content marketing, and email to promote your products
Add your own ideas Put in your own knowledge to make your products different
Choose good topics Focus on always-popular subjects or current trends

Tips for success:

  • Change PLR content to match your style
  • Make sure your products are useful for your customers
  • Keep learning about what sells well
  • Try different ways to sell your products
  • Be patient and keep working at it
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