Igor BokyAlexey Kramin
14 minutes read
September 16, 2024
Published: August 02, 2024

Shopify vs. Cutting-Edge Alternatives to Sell eBooks as an Indie Creator

Choosing the right platform to sell your eBooks is crucial for indie creators. Here's a quick comparison of Shopify and its alternatives:

Platform Best For Monthly Cost Per Sale Fee Key Features
Shopify Growing businesses $29-$299 2.4-2.9% + $0.30 Full online store, marketing tools
Gumroad New creators $0-$10 3.5-9% + $0.30 Simple setup, low upfront cost
Payhip Direct sales $0-$99 0-5% EU VAT handling, social media selling
Podia Digital product creators $33+ No extra fees Courses, memberships, email marketing
BookFunnel Author-focused Varies N/A Secure eBook delivery, reader support

Key considerations for choosing a platform:

  • Your technical skills and setup time
  • Marketing and promotion tools
  • Payment processing and fees
  • Reader experience and file formats
  • Sales tracking and analytics

The best choice depends on your specific needs, budget, and growth plans. Consider trying free trials to find the best fit for your eBook business.

Shopify for eBook Sales


Shopify lets indie creators sell eBooks with many useful tools.

Shopify's eBook Selling Tools

Shopify offers:

  • Digital Downloads app for automatic eBook delivery
  • Custom product pages
  • Safe payment processing
  • Auto tax calculation
  • Tools to promote eBooks

Good Things About Shopify

Easy to Use

Shopify is simple for most people:

Ways to Promote

Shopify helps you market your eBooks:

  • SEO tools to help people find your store
  • Email marketing
  • Social media sharing
  • Reminders for people who didn't finish buying

Not-So-Good Things About Shopify


Shopify can be expensive for some creators:

Plan Monthly Cost Fee Per Sale
Basic $29 2.9% + $0.30
Shopify $79 2.6% + $0.30
Advanced $299 2.4% + $0.30

This might be too much for new creators or those with few sales.

Too Much for Just eBooks

If you only sell eBooks, Shopify might have more than you need:

  • In-person selling tools you won't use
  • Stock tracking that's not needed for eBooks
  • Extra features that might make selling harder

Shopify has many tools, but indie creators should think about what they really need and can afford when picking a platform to sell eBooks.

New Platforms for eBook Sales

Let's look at some new options for indie creators to sell eBooks besides Shopify:



Gumroad is a simple platform for selling digital products, including eBooks.

eBook Sales Tools

  • Add to your website or link to Gumroad store
  • Make your own product pages
  • Send eBooks to buyers right away
  • Work with email marketing tools

Good and Bad Points

Good Bad
No monthly fees 10% fee on each sale
Gumroad Discover helps find buyers Less customization than big platforms
Sells other digital products too



Payhip is made for people who create digital products.

eBook Features

  • Handles EU VAT for you
  • Set up affiliate programs
  • Change how checkout works
  • Sell on social media

Upsides and Downsides

Upsides Downsides
Free plan with 5% fee Fewer big features than larger platforms
Easy to use Fees on cheaper plans
Sells courses and memberships too



Podia lets you sell digital products and build online groups.

Digital Product Tools

  • Store for eBooks and other digital items
  • Make courses and memberships
  • Email marketing
  • Manage affiliates

Good and Bad for eBooks

Good Bad
Many tools for digital creators Starts at $33/month
No extra fees on paid plans Takes time to learn all features
Email and community tools included



BookFunnel focuses on sending eBooks and keeping readers happy.

eBook Delivery Features

  • Safe eBook delivery to many devices
  • Make pages for free eBooks and sales
  • Works with big online stores

Strong and Weak Points

Strong Weak
Made for authors and readers Not a full sales platform
Great help for authors and readers Can be costly for authors with few books
Stops people from stealing books

Each of these platforms has good points for indie creators selling eBooks. Pick the one that fits your needs, budget, and plans for your eBook business.

Platform Comparison

Let's compare the main options for selling eBooks as an indie creator:


Platform Monthly Fee Fee Per Sale
Shopify $29-$299 0.5-2% + payment fees
Gumroad $0 or $10 3.5-9% + $0.30
Payhip $0-$99 0-5%

Gumroad is cheapest to start, but takes more per sale. Shopify costs more monthly but less per sale. Think about how many books you'll sell when choosing.

Easy to Use


  • Simple dashboard
  • Drag-and-drop store builder
  • Lots of tools in one place


  • Quick setup
  • Easy product pages
  • Works with your website

Both are easy, but Gumroad is simpler if you only sell eBooks.

Ways to Promote

Feature Shopify Gumroad
Email Marketing Yes Basic
SEO Tools Many Few
Social Media Many options Basic sharing
Cart Reminders Yes No

Shopify has more tools to help sell your books. Gumroad works well if you already know how to market your books.

Taking Payments

  • Shopify: Works with many payment types, good for selling worldwide
  • Gumroad: Takes credit cards and PayPal, changes money for you

Both keep payments safe, but Shopify gives you more choices.

Help When You Need It


  • Help any time
  • Lots of guides
  • Big community of users


  • Email help
  • Some guides
  • Smaller group of users

Shopify offers more help, which can be good as your book sales grow.

How to Choose a Platform

Picking the right platform to sell your eBooks is key for indie creators. Here's how to make a good choice:

Reaching Your Readers

Think about where your readers are most likely to find and buy eBooks:

Platform Best For
Shopify Creators with their own audience or marketing plans
Gumroad Those with strong social media presence
Payhip Direct sales to existing fans or email list

Pick a platform that fits how you plan to reach your readers.

Tech Skills Needed

Consider your tech skills and how much time you can spend setting up your store:

Platform Tech Skills Setup Difficulty
Shopify Medium Higher
Gumroad Low Lower
Payhip Low Lower

Shopify offers more options but needs more tech know-how. Gumroad and Payhip are easier to set up and run.

Room for Growth

Think about your future plans and how the platform can help you grow:

Platform Growth Potential
Shopify Good for large catalogs and high sales; can sell physical items too
Gumroad Best for digital products; may limit big growth
Payhip Works for digital and physical items; good for medium growth

Choose a platform that can grow with your business.

Linking with Your Website

Think about how the eBook platform will work with your current website:

Platform Website Integration
Shopify Makes a new online store or works with your site
Gumroad Offers buy buttons to add to your site
Payhip Lets you add a store to your own website

Pick a platform that works well with your current website and makes buying easy for your readers.

Key eBook Sales Features

When selling eBooks, certain features can help you sell more and make your readers happy. Let's look at some important eBook sales features to think about when picking a platform.

Copy Protection Options

Copy protection helps keep your work safe. Different platforms offer various ways to protect your eBooks. When choosing a platform, look for options that:

  • Keep your work safe
  • Make it easy for customers to read your books

eBook File Types

It's good to offer more than one file type:

File Type Description
PDF Works on most devices, but may not look great on e-readers
EPUB/MOBI Made for e-readers like Kindle

Try to pick a platform that lets you offer both PDF and e-reader files. This way, readers can choose how they want to read your book.

Offering Book Previews

Letting people read a bit of your book before buying can help sell more. Look for platforms that let you share:

  • The first chapter
  • A few pages

This gives potential buyers a taste of your book.

Selling Book Sets

If you have more than one book, selling them together can be a good idea. When looking at platforms, check if you can:

  • Make book bundles
  • Sell book series easily

This can help you sell more books and make your readers happy.

When picking a platform, think about these features. They can help you sell more eBooks and give your readers a better experience.


Getting Your Books Noticed

Selling eBooks as an indie creator means you need to help people find your books. Let's look at how Shopify and other platforms can help you market your eBooks.

Built-In Marketing Tools

Shopify and Gumroad both have tools to help you promote your eBooks:

Platform Marketing Tools
Shopify • Email marketing
• SEO-friendly pages
• Blog feature
• Social media links
• Cart reminder emails
• Discount codes
Gumroad • Basic email marketing
• Store you can add to your website
• Social media links
• Discount codes
• "Pay what you want" option

Shopify has more tools, which is good if you want to grow your eBook business. Gumroad is simpler and works well for digital products like eBooks.

Search Engine Features

Making your eBooks easy to find online is important. Shopify lets you change things like page titles and descriptions to help your books show up in search results.

Gumroad doesn't have as many search tools, but it has a feature called Gumroad Discover. This shows your eBooks to people who might want to buy them.

Email Marketing

Sending emails is a good way to tell people about your eBooks. Here's how the platforms compare:

Platform Email Features
Shopify • Built-in email tool
• Uses your store data to send targeted emails
Gumroad • Basic email tool
• Good for updates and sales
ConvertKit Commerce • Made for creators
• Strong email tools for selling digital products

When picking a platform, think about how you want to tell people about your books. Shopify has more features, but Gumroad and ConvertKit Commerce might be easier for indie eBook creators to use.

Money Matters

When selling eBooks as an indie creator, it's important to understand how different platforms handle money. Let's look at how Shopify and Gumroad deal with fees, payments, and selling to other countries.

Sales Fees

The cost of using a platform can affect how much money you make. Here's how Shopify and Gumroad compare:

Platform Monthly Cost Fee Per Sale
Shopify Basic $29 2.9% + $0.30
Shopify $79 2.6% + $0.30
Shopify Advanced $299 2.4% + $0.30
Gumroad $0 10%

Shopify charges a monthly fee but takes less per sale. Gumroad doesn't charge monthly but takes more from each sale. If you're just starting or don't sell many books, Gumroad might be better. As you sell more, Shopify could save you money.

Getting Paid

Both platforms offer ways to get your money:

  • Shopify works with many payment systems and has its own called Shopify Payments.
  • Gumroad sends money straight to your bank or PayPal.

Shopify gives you more choices, which can help if your business grows. Gumroad is simpler, which many indie creators like.

Selling to Other Countries

If you want to sell your eBooks around the world:

  • Shopify lets you sell in different currencies and has tools for selling to other countries.
  • Gumroad can handle different currencies but doesn't have as many features for selling worldwide.

Shopify is better if you want to sell to many countries. Gumroad works well if you mostly sell in your own country or are just starting to sell abroad.

When picking a platform, think about how many books you sell now, how many you might sell later, and where you want to sell them. This will help you choose the best platform for your eBook business.

Reader Experience

When selling eBooks as an indie creator, making sure readers have a good experience is key. Let's look at how Shopify and other platforms handle important parts of the reader's journey.

Buying and Downloading

Shopify makes it easy for customers to buy eBooks:

  • Add eBooks to cart quickly
  • Pay without problems
  • Get eBooks right after buying via email or download link

Shopify users can add extra apps to:

  • Make custom download pages
  • Set time limits on downloads
  • Control how many times a book can be downloaded

These features help keep your eBooks safe and give you more control over how they're shared.

Phone and Tablet Use

Many people read on their phones and tablets. Shopify helps with this by:

  • Making your eBook store look good on small screens
  • Letting customers buy easily on any device
  • Allowing readers to download eBooks on their phones or tablets

This means your readers can buy and read your books wherever they are.

Reader Accounts

Shopify lets you set up accounts for your customers. This can make things better for people who buy from you often. With accounts, readers can:

Feature Benefit
See past orders Keep track of what they've bought
Find their eBooks Get to their books quickly
Save payment info Buy faster next time
Get book suggestions Find new books they might like

You don't have to use accounts, but they can help you build a group of loyal readers who come back to buy more.

Sales Numbers and Insights

Tracking your eBook sales helps you understand how well your books are doing. Let's look at how Shopify and other platforms help you keep an eye on your sales and learn about your readers.

Tracking Sales

Shopify gives you many tools to track your eBook sales:

  • See sales data as it happens
  • Get reports on money made, orders, and how each book is selling
  • Track sales from different places you sell your books
  • Make your own reports to focus on what matters to you

Gumroad, another platform, offers some basic tracking:

What You Can Track Shopify Gumroad
Sales as they happen Yes Yes
Detailed reports Yes Basic
Sales from many places Yes No
Custom reports Yes No

Learning About Readers

Knowing who buys your books helps you make better choices:

  • Shopify shows you info about your customers and what they buy
  • You can see which ads or posts bring in the most sales
  • It tells you about people who almost bought but didn't finish

Gumroad gives you some info too, but not as much:

  • Basic details about customers and what they bought
  • Shows which of your books are most popular

Money Reports

Knowing how much money you're making is key:

Shopify gives you detailed money reports:

  • Total sales
  • Money you keep after costs
  • Taxes
  • Fees for processing payments

You can make reports for certain times or just for some books.

Gumroad's reports are simpler:

  • Basic summaries of your income
  • When you'll get paid

These numbers help you decide things like how to price your books, where to advertise, and what to write next. Shopify gives you more info, but Gumroad still tells you the basics about how your eBook sales are going.


Shopify vs. Other Options

Let's compare Shopify and Gumroad for selling eBooks:

Feature Shopify Gumroad
Products Physical and digital Mainly digital
Business size Good for growth Best for small creators
Cost From $29/month $10/month or free with higher fees
Marketing Many built-in tools Basic email and social media
Store design Many options Few, but easy to use

Shopify is better for bigger businesses, while Gumroad is simpler for new creators.

Picking the Right Platform for You

To choose between Shopify and Gumroad, think about:

1. What you sell: If it's just eBooks, Gumroad might be enough. For more products, Shopify could be better.

2. Your tech skills: Gumroad is easier to use. Shopify has more features but needs more know-how.

3. Your future plans: If you want to grow big, Shopify can help. For staying small, Gumroad works well.

4. Your budget: Gumroad costs less to start. Shopify costs more but has more tools.

5. How you sell: Shopify has more ways to market your books. Gumroad keeps it simple.

The best choice depends on what you need. Try both for free to see which one you like better for selling your eBooks.


Is Shopify a good place to sell ebooks?

Shopify can work well for selling ebooks, but it might be more than you need. Here's what it offers:

  • Many ways to market your books
  • Store designs you can change
  • Selling on different websites
  • Safe ways to take payments

But if you only sell ebooks, Shopify might have too many features. It costs at least $29 a month, which could be too much if you're just starting or don't sell many books.

What is the best platform to sell ebooks?

The best place to sell ebooks depends on what you need. Here's a quick look at some options:

Platform Good For Main Features
Sellfy Easy to use Quick setup, basic marketing tools
Amazon KDP Reaching many readers Biggest ebook store, works with Kindle
Gumroad Independent creators Low costs, buttons to add to your website
Payhip Different pricing options Let buyers choose prices, get others to sell for you
Shopify Growing your business Full online store, can sell other things too

When picking a platform, think about:

  • How good you are with computers
  • How you want to tell people about your books
  • What you want your business to be like in the future

Many people who make ebooks use more than one platform to sell more books.

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