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Igor BokyAlexey Kramin
3 minutes read
October 22, 2024
Published: June 10, 2024

Product Variants Are Live, AI Hashtag Generation, Nearest Roadmap

Sell product variant to boost your revenue

Do you remember that we promised to implement product variants? It took us a bit longer than we expected, but it’s finally live. And if you’re not sure if you need it at all, let me explain why it’s cool for your business.

Product variants increase your conversion rate. Yes, it’s that simple. By offering a range of different variants, you increase the value of your goods for your customers, which boosts their satisfaction. And satisfied customers are more likely to pay. For example, you can create the same course with variants based on the number of topics covered, each with its own price. A customer can select what suits them best in terms of content and price; you acquire a customer who may become a returning one or purchase a higher-tier product from scratch. Both options drive your income.

What else can be used as a variant? There are tons of examples:

  • Additional materials or a paperback option for e-books
  • Number and quality for stickers
  • Volume of a bundle for Notion templates
  • Personal touch for coaching sessions

The limit is your creativity and the value you bring.

Create product variants

Product variants on Marketsy.ai

Our AI includes hashtags in your marketing materials

I hope you’ve already tried our AI marketing feature. If not, you have to do it right now! It creates content about your products for posting on social media. And what’s even cooler is that you can do it in a couple of clicks, literally. The content, which totally belongs to you, can be used as a seed for your ad campaigns or just posted as it is, saving you tons of time.

But this content lacked one really important aspect: hashtags. Thanks to feedback from one of our customers, we switched our focus to solving this problem. And voila, our AI assistant, available to every customer, now comes up with relevant hashtags for the social posts it creates. Increase your visibility among your potential customers by using #hashtags.

Create posts with hashtags

AI-generated social media content with hashtags

Some plans we would like to share with you

Our team has daily sync calls where we quickly discuss our progress and plan for the coming day. But from time to time, we make further decisions on what to invest our time in next. As a small team, we need to carefully select what might bring the most value to the product in the fastest way. Today, we discussed features that are in demand right now and can have the most impact on the product. Here’s a shortlist of them, sorted from highest priority to lowest, in our opinion:

  • Collecting data (emails) of your customers prior to checkout to keep them and allow you to use them in your marketing campaigns.
  • Product-type “subscription” for recurrent payments.
  • Easy triggers system for automations, e.g., if you get a sale, an abandoned cart, a new customer, etc.
  • Abandoned cart email setup: templates and triggers.
  • SEO add-ons for quicker page indexing and AI articles on demand to boost your store’s visibility and traffic.

We appreciate your opinion, so if you think anything has higher priority or you need something not listed here, don’t hesitate to let us know. You can drop a message via our support chat (we don’t have chatbots or a support department, so you contact the founders directly), send us an email at team@marketsy.ai, or contact us via our social media: Alexey, Igor.

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