Igor BokyAlexey Kramin
15 minutes read
September 08, 2024
Published: July 13, 2024

PLR Digital Products vs. Original Content: Which is Better for Your Business?

PLR (Private Label Rights) digital products and original content both have pros and cons for businesses:

PLR Digital Products: • Pre-made content you can modify and use • Saves time and money • Less unique, may hurt SEO • Quality varies

Original Content: • Unique to your brand • Better for SEO and building trust • Takes more time and resources to create • Full control over content

Many businesses use a mix of both. Consider your goals, budget, and audience when choosing.

Quick Comparison:

Factor PLR Content Original Content
Cost Lower Higher
Time to create Fast Slow
Uniqueness Low High
SEO value Lower Higher
Brand fit Harder Easier
Customization Limited Full

What are PLR Digital Products?

PLR digital products are ready-made content that businesses can buy and use as their own. They offer a quick and cheap way to create content for marketing.

Definition and Main Points

PLR stands for Private Label Rights. When you buy PLR content, you can:

  • Change the content
  • Put your name or brand on it
  • Use it without saying who made it first
  • Keep all the money you make from it

This makes PLR content good for businesses that want to make marketing materials or digital products quickly.

Types of PLR Products

PLR digital products come in many forms:

Type Description
E-books Long guides about specific topics
Articles Ready-to-use blog posts
Videos Content for teaching or advertising
Graphics and templates Designs for marketing
Software and apps Digital tools you can change
Email sequences Pre-written marketing emails
Courses Online teaching content
Worksheets and printables Useful resources for customers

You can change each type of PLR product to fit your business and what your customers want.

License and Usage Rules

PLR licenses are different for each product, but they usually let you:

  • Change the content
  • Put your brand on it
  • Publish it without saying who made it

It's important to check the rules for each PLR product. Some might have limits on:

  • Selling it again
  • How you can share it
  • What kinds of products you can use it in

Here's a table showing different types of PLR licenses:

License Type Can You Change It? Can You Brand It? Can You Resell It? Do You Need to Say Who Made It?
Standard PLR Yes Yes Depends No
Unrestricted PLR Yes Yes Yes No
Resell Rights No No Yes Maybe
Master Resell Rights Depends Depends Yes, with rights Depends

Always read the license rules before you buy or use PLR content. This helps you follow the rules and protect your business.

What is Original Content?

Original content is new material that a business creates from scratch. It's never been published before in that exact form.

Definition and Main Traits

Original content is:

  • New and not copied from anywhere else
  • Made to fit the business's style and knowledge
  • Created for a specific group of people

It helps businesses show what makes them different and build trust with their audience.

Types of Original Content

Businesses can make different kinds of original content:

Content Type What It Is
Blog posts Articles about topics in their field
Videos Content that shows or explains things
Infographics Pictures that show data or information
Podcasts Audio talks or interviews
eBooks Long guides about specific topics
Case studies Reports on successful projects

Each type can be made to fit what the business and its audience need.

When a business makes original content, they own it completely. This means they can:

  • Control how the content looks and what it says
  • Use the content in different ways
  • Stop others from using it without permission
  • Sell or let others use the content if they want to

PLR vs. Original Content: Side-by-Side

When choosing between PLR digital products and original content for your business, it's important to know how they differ. Let's compare these two types of content to help you decide.

Comparison Table

Feature PLR Content Original Content
Cost Usually cheaper Often costs more to make
Time Quick to use Takes longer to create
Changes you can make Limited Full control
How different it is Many others might use it One of a kind
Search engine ranking Might not rank well Better for ranking
Fits your brand Hard to match your style Matches your style well

This table shows the main differences between PLR and original content. PLR content is cheaper and faster to use, which is good for businesses that need content quickly. But it has limits on how much you can change it and how unique it is.

Original content gives you full control and fits your brand perfectly. It's also better for search engines. But it takes more time and money to make.

Choosing between PLR and original content depends on what your business needs, how much time and money you have, and your long-term plans. Many businesses use both types, starting with PLR content and then changing it to fit their brand better.

Benefits of PLR Digital Products

PLR digital products offer several advantages for businesses looking to create content quickly and cheaply. Here are the main benefits:

Lower Costs

PLR content is cheaper than making your own:

Content Type PLR Cost Custom Cost
5,000-word e-book $5-$10 $50+
Blog post $1-$3 $20+
Video script $3-$5 $30+

This saves money that can be used for other business needs.

Time Savings

PLR products save time by:

  • Giving you a starting point
  • Letting you change content quickly
  • Helping you publish faster

This is good for businesses that need content fast or want to write about new topics quickly.

Content Variety

PLR offers many types of content:

Content Type Examples
Written E-books, articles, blog posts
Visual Images, infographics
Audio/Video Podcasts, video tutorials

This helps businesses make different kinds of content without knowing everything about every topic.

Fast Content Creation

PLR helps create content quickly:

  • Use it for free gifts to get email addresses
  • Make marketing materials fast
  • Update old products or make new ones

For example, you can use PLR to quickly make a new e-book or update your website with fresh content.

Drawbacks of PLR Digital Products

While PLR digital products have some good points, they also have problems that businesses should think about:

Not New

PLR content is not new, which can hurt your brand:

  • Many businesses use the same content
  • It's hard to sound different from others
  • The content might not fit your brand well

To fix this, you need to change the content a lot to make it fit your brand and what your customers want.

Problems with Copied Content

Using PLR content without changes can hurt your website's search ranking:

Problem Result
Lower search ranking Fewer people find your site
Website looks less trustworthy Search engines don't like your site as much
Google might punish your site Your site might not show up in searches

To avoid these issues, rewrite PLR content and make it your own before you use it.

Quality is Not Always Good

The quality of PLR products can be different:

  • Some PLR content might have mistakes or old information
  • It might not have expert knowledge about your topic
  • The writing might not be very good

Check PLR content carefully before you buy it. Be ready to spend time fixing and checking it.

Hard to Change

Many PLR products have rules that make it hard to change them:

  • You might not be allowed to change the content much
  • The content might not fit your specific business
  • It's hard to add your own stories or examples

To make PLR content work better, mix it with your own ideas and change it to fit your business.


Benefits of Original Content

Making your own content has many good points for businesses that want to stand out online and connect with their customers. Let's look at the main benefits:

Your Own Brand Voice

When you make your own content, you can show what makes your brand special:

  • Use a tone that your customers like
  • Share what you think about things in your field
  • Show how much your team knows
  • Make content that fits your brand perfectly

By making your own content all the time, you'll be different from other businesses and get loyal customers.

Builds Trust and Makes You an Expert

Your own content helps people see you as an expert in your field:

  • Show you know a lot about your work through well-researched articles
  • Help your customers with their problems
  • Share stories about how you've helped others
  • Talk with your customers through comments and social media

When you keep giving good content, people will trust you and see you as the go-to expert in your area.

Better Search Results

Making your own content can help more people find you online:

How It Helps What It Does
Shows up higher in searches Search engines like new, one-of-a-kind content
Uses words people search for Write about things related to your business
More people visit your site Get more visitors from search results
People stay on your site longer Good content keeps visitors reading

By making helpful, new content, more people will see your website and you'll get more possible customers.

Full Control Over Your Content

When you make your own content, you decide everything about it:

  • Write for your specific customers
  • Change your content quickly if you need to
  • Make sure all your content is good and says the same thing
  • Avoid problems from using other people's content

This control helps you keep your brand looking good and respond to what your customers need.

Drawbacks of Original Content

Making your own content has some problems that businesses should think about:

Costs More

Creating good original content often costs a lot:

  • Hiring good writers or content makers is expensive
  • Editing and checking for mistakes adds to the cost
  • Making pictures or videos needs special skills and costs more

For example:

Content Type Your Time Cost PLR Cost
E-book (5 hours work) $50 ($10/hour) $5-$10

Takes a Lot of Time

Making your own content needs a lot of time:

  • Looking up information to make sure it's right
  • Writing, fixing, and making the content better
  • Working with other people to make the content
  • Planning when to make and share content

This can be hard for businesses that don't have much time or need to work fast.

Needs Know-How or Research

To make good original content, you often need:

  • To know a lot about the topic
  • To look up a lot of information
  • To understand hard ideas
  • To explain things in a way that's easy to understand

If your business doesn't know much about a topic, you might need to spend more time learning or hire experts to help.

Can Make You Tired

Always making new content can make you feel worn out:

  • It can be hard to think of new ideas
  • Trying to make content all the time can be stressful
  • Balancing content making with other work can be too much

Signs that making content is wearing you out:

Problem What Happens
Can't think of new ideas Content isn't as good or frequent
Don't want to make content Work less and feel less excited
Worry about deadlines Miss times to share content
Feel tired or get headaches Don't work as well overall

To avoid getting too tired, try:

  • Letting different people make content
  • Taking breaks and doing fun thinking activities
  • Using some ready-made content with your own to make less new stuff

Choosing Between PLR and Original Content

When picking PLR or original content for your business, think about:

Business Goals

Match your content plan with what you want for your business:

Goal PLR Original Content
Build brand Less effective Better for unique voice
Make content fast Good for quick posts Takes more time
Get leads Can work if changed Works well
Show up in searches Not as good Usually works better

What Your Audience Wants

Think about what your readers like:

  • Good content: Original often works better
  • Right topics: PLR has many topics but might need changes
  • Getting people to talk: New, original content often gets more comments

What You Have

Look at your time, money, and know-how:

Resource PLR Original Content
Time Quick to use Takes longer
Money Cheaper for lots of content Costs more but unique
Know-how Covers many topics Shows what you know

What's Normal in Your Work

Think about what's expected in your field:

  • Hard topics: Might need original content from experts
  • Simple topics: PLR can work if you change it
  • Rules: Make sure PLR follows any rules in your work

Long-Term Plans

Think about how each type fits your future:

Plan PLR Original Content
Growing your brand Not as good Builds trust over time
Posting often Helps keep a schedule Can be hard to keep up
Growing bigger Mix both for steady growth -

Tips for Using PLR Content Well

Customize and Rebrand

To make PLR content your own:

  • Change the Look: Add your logo, use your own images, and change colors and fonts to match your brand.
  • Change the Writing: Rewrite parts to sound like you. Add your own stories and ideas.
  • Add Your Knowledge: Share what you know to make the content better and show you're an expert.

Mix PLR with Original Ideas

Make PLR content better by adding your own thoughts:

What to Do How to Do It
Turn PLR into different things Make blog posts, videos, or e-books from PLR articles
Use more than one PLR source Mix parts from different PLR products
Make free gifts for email sign-ups Use PLR to make e-books or guides to get more subscribers

Check Quality and Relevance

Make sure your PLR content is good:

  • Look at it carefully: Before you buy, check if the writing is good and the information is right for your readers.
  • Update old information: Check facts and numbers. Make sure everything is up-to-date.
  • Make it easy to find online: Add words people search for, write good descriptions, and format it well so search engines can find it.

Making Original Content More Effective

Keep Brand Voice Consistent

To make your brand's voice the same in all your content:

  • Make a clear brand personality: Decide how your brand should sound. Is it fun, serious, or in between?
  • Write down voice rules: Create a guide for how your brand should talk on different platforms.
  • Teach your team: Make sure everyone who makes content knows how to use your brand voice.
Part of Brand Voice What It Is Example
Tone How your brand sounds Friendly, serious, relaxed
Words The kind of words you use Big words or simple words
Personality What your brand is like New ideas, trustworthy, funny

Use What You Know

Using what you know can make your content better:

  • Share work knowledge: Tell people things you've learned in your job.
  • Give real examples: Use stories from things that really happened to you.
  • Do your own research: Share new facts from studies you've done.

When you use what you know, your content helps people more and shows you're good at what you do.

Make Content That Lasts

Try to make content that stays useful for a long time:

1. Pick topics that don't get old: Write about things people will care about for years.

2. Keep it new: Check your old content and fix it if things have changed.

3. Write a lot about one thing: Make big guides that people can use again and again.

4. Use numbers and facts: Get info from good places and change it when new facts come out.

5. Fix big problems: Write about issues that your readers always have trouble with.

Finding the Right Mix

Balancing PLR and original content can make your content plan work better. Here's how to do it:

Combining PLR and Original Content

Using both PLR and original content together can work well:

  • Start with PLR: Use PLR as a base, then change it to fit your brand.

  • Add Your Own Ideas: Put your own thoughts and examples into PLR content.

  • Make Content Packages: Mix PLR with your own content to make bigger resources.

Content Type PLR Your Own How to Mix
Blog Posts 40% 60% Change PLR, add your examples
Ebooks 60% 40% Use PLR parts, add your stories
Courses 30% 70% PLR for extra info, your content for main parts

When to Use Each Type

Choose PLR or your own content based on what you need:

1. Use PLR When:

  • You need content fast
  • Writing about general topics
  • Making extra materials
  • Starting your content base

2. Use Your Own Content When:

  • Showing what you know best
  • Writing about specific topics
  • Becoming known as an expert
  • Making your main products or services

Change as Your Business Grows

Your content plan should change as your business gets bigger:

  • Just Starting: Use more PLR to make content quickly and cheaply.

  • Getting Bigger: Make more of your own content as you learn more.

  • Big Business: Focus on making your own good content, use PLR for extra stuff.


Picking between PLR digital products and original content depends on what your business needs, what you have, and what your readers want. Here's a quick look at both:

Content Type Good Points Bad Points
PLR - Saves time and money
- Quick to make content
- Might be the same as others
- Hard to make it fit your brand
Original - Builds trust
- Shows what you know
- Takes more time
- Costs more

The best way is often to use both:

  • Start with PLR and change it to fit your brand
  • Make your own content for things you know well
  • Always make sure your content is good and helps your readers

No matter which you pick, focus on:

  • Making content that fits your brand
  • Giving your readers what they need
  • Keeping your content good quality
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