Igor Boky
2 minutes read
juillet 27, 2024
Published: mai 03, 2024

PayPal (Finally), Enhanced Mobile UI, Copy Products Everywhere

PayPal is finally live on Marketsy.ai!

It's been a tough fight with PayPal's red tape, which is still ongoing. However, we're more flexible than a huge enterprise, so we found another way to release PayPal payments for you. This approach requires a couple of extra steps for you, but we've thoroughly explained the process in our documentation, so you won't be confused.

While you're already able to accept payments via PayPal, we're still pursuing verification with Marketsy.ai to make the onboarding flow even smoother. Stay tuned.

Were you waiting for PayPal to launch? Set it up now.

Smoother mobile experience

More and more users are managing their stores using mobile devices, which was a surprise for us. So, for the past week, we've been reviewing a ton of tickets and bugs related to the UX on mobile devices. Broken templates, weird spacing, and bulky buttons β€” there's no room for these things. Now, the space in the admin panel is used more rationally, and you can manage your store using your smartphone.

Please check the mobile view of the admin panel.

Copy product URLs to sell them everywhere!

We realized that you might not need the whole storefront, but only the checkout flow to sell your products on other platforms. While you could copy your product links from your browser, we've made it even more convenient by adding a small, but lovely feature: the ability to copy a product's URL. You can use this feature for social media posts on TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, and more. Just include the URL in your content and allow your customers to purchase directly from you.

Your products with direct links are here.

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