Igor BokyAlexey Kramin
24 minutes read
September 16, 2024
Published: July 24, 2024

Maximizing Sales: Tips for Using a Platform to Sell Digital Products

Here's how to boost your digital product sales using online platforms:

  1. Choose the right platform (e.g. Shopify, BigCommerce, Podia)
  2. Set up an attractive online store
  3. Optimize product listings with clear descriptions and images
  4. Use platform marketing tools like email and discounts
  5. Provide excellent customer support
  6. Implement upselling and cross-selling techniques
  7. Gather and showcase customer reviews
  8. Leverage social media and content marketing
  9. Offer special promotions and deals
  10. Analyze sales data to improve performance

Quick comparison of popular platforms:

Platform Best For Starting Cost File Storage Customization
Squarespace Beginners $33/month Limited Good
Shopify All types $29/month Limited Very Good
BigCommerce Growing businesses $29.95/month Unlimited Very Good
Podia Course creators $39/month Unlimited Limited

Focus on creating quality products, building your brand, and making the buying process smooth to maximize your digital product sales.

Pick the Best Platform

When selling digital products, choosing the right platform is key. Here's what to look for and how some popular platforms compare:

What to Look For

  1. File Storage: Pick a platform with enough space for your files.

  2. Easy Checkout: Look for few steps, guest checkout, and on-site payments.

  3. Payment Options: Choose a platform that works with many payment methods.

  4. Costs: Check the fees, including monthly and transaction costs.

  5. Safe Delivery: Make sure the platform can send your products safely to buyers.

  6. Help When You Need It: Pick a platform with good support options.

  7. Simple to Use: Choose a platform that's easy to understand and use.

Platform Comparison

Feature Squarespace Shopify BigCommerce Podia
File Storage Limited Limited No limit No limit
Payment Options Few (PayPal, Stripe) Many (100+) Many (65+) Few (PayPal, Stripe)
Extra Fees 3% on Business plan Up to 2% if not using Shopify Payments None None
Ease of Use Very Easy Easy Medium Very Easy
Customization Good Very Good Very Good Limited
Starting Cost $33/month $29/month $29.95/month $39/month
Best For Beginners, Small Businesses All types of online stores Growing Businesses Course Makers, Digital Downloads

When picking a platform, think about what you need, how much you can spend, and your long-term plans. Each platform has its strong points, so choose one that fits your digital product business best.

Create Your Online Store

Setting up a good online store is key for selling digital products. Here's how to do it:

Pick an Easy-to-Use Platform

Choose a platform that makes it simple to set up your store. Some good options are Shopify, BigCommerce, and Podia.

Make Your Store Look Good

Make your store match your brand:

  • Pick a theme that fits your products
  • Use your brand's colors and fonts
  • Make sure your store looks good on phones and computers

Improve Your Product Pages

Make your product pages clear and helpful:

  • Write simple descriptions that show how your products help customers
  • Use good pictures or videos of your digital products
  • Add customer reviews to build trust

Set Up Safe Payment Options

Give customers different ways to pay:

Payment Option Why It's Good
PayPal Many people know and trust it
Stripe Works with many currencies
Apple Pay Easy for iPhone users
Google Pay Quick for Android users

Make Checkout Easy

Make it simple for customers to buy:

  • Let people buy without making an account
  • Ask for only the most important information
  • Show that your site is safe

Set Up Quick Digital Delivery

Make sure customers get their products right away:

  • Use your platform's tools to send files automatically
  • Set up download links that expire for safety
  • Use a system to create and send license keys if needed

Improve Product Listings

Making your product listings better can help you sell more digital products. Here's how to do it:

Write Clear Descriptions

Write short, clear descriptions that show how your digital products help buyers. Use simple words that your customers understand. For example, if you're selling a vegan cookbook, say how it helps make tasty, healthy meals quickly.

Show Your Products Well

Use good pictures or videos to show your digital products. If you're selling an online class, add pictures of what the class looks like or short video clips. This helps buyers see what they're getting.

Price Your Products Right

Setting the right price is important. Here are some ways to price your products:

Pricing Method What It Means Good For
Cost Plus Add your profit to your costs Making sure you earn money
Value Based Price based on what buyers think it's worth Special, high-value products
Match Competitors Set prices close to what others charge Busy markets with lots of sellers
Different Levels Offer different versions at different prices Selling to more types of buyers

Use Good Keywords

Add words people search for to your product titles and descriptions. This helps your products show up when people look for them. For example, if you sell resume templates, use words like "professional resume template" in your title.

Ask for Reviews

Get happy customers to leave reviews. Good reviews make new buyers trust you more. You can offer a small discount on their next buy to encourage reviews.

Use Platform Tools

Using the tools your selling platform offers can help you sell more digital products. Here's how to use these tools:

Marketing Tools

Most platforms have tools to help you promote your products:

1. Email Marketing: Use the platform's email tools to talk to your customers. Send updates, newsletters, and special offers to keep them interested.

2. Coupons and Discounts: Make special deals using the platform's discount tools. Many online shoppers use coupons, so this can help you sell more.

3. Upselling: Use tools to suggest more products to buyers. This can help you make more money from each sale.

Automated Delivery and Communication

Make your work easier with automation:

  • Digital Downloads: Use apps that send products to customers right after they buy.
  • Order Emails: Set up emails that tell customers how to get their digital products.

Analytics and Reporting

Use the platform's tools to learn about your sales:

What to Look At What It Means How to Use It
Best-Selling Products Which items make the most money Focus on selling these products more
Where Buyers Come From Which websites bring the most sales Spend more time on these websites
Top Countries Where most buyers live Focus on selling to these countries

Look at these numbers often to make better choices about what to sell and how to sell it.

Payment Processing

Use the payment tools that come with your platform:

  • Pick a platform that lets customers pay in different ways.
  • Look for options that don't charge you too much for each sale.
  • Make sure it's easy and safe for customers to pay.

Improve Customer Experience

Making customers happy helps sell more digital products. Here's how to do it:

Listen and Care

Train your support team to:

  • Pay attention to what customers say
  • Show they care about customer problems
  • Give answers that fit each customer's needs

Be Quick and Professional

Answer customers fast and well:

How Fast You Answer How Happy Customers Are
Less than 1 hour Very happy
1-24 hours Happy
More than 24 hours Not happy

Always talk to customers in a nice, professional way.

Help in Many Ways

Let customers get help how they want:

  • Chat online for quick help
  • Email for big questions
  • Phone for hard problems
  • Social media for fast answers

Make Things Easy

Help customers buy without problems:

  1. Make checkout simple
  2. Let customers pay in different ways
  3. Give clear info about products
  4. Add a search box that works well

Make It Personal

Use what you know about customers:

  • Show products they might like based on what they bought before
  • Change prices based on how they use your site
  • Show money in their country's currency
  • Send emails just for them

Check and Get Better

Always try to do better:

  1. Ask customers what they think
  2. Look at how fast you answer and if customers are happy
  3. See how customers use your site
  4. Train your team to do better

Market Your Digital Products

Selling more digital products means telling people about them. Here's how to do it:

Use Platform Tools

Most selling platforms have tools to help you:

  • Make your products easy to find in searches
  • Join platform-wide sales
  • Send emails to customers

Work with Other Sellers

Team up with other sellers to reach more people:

1. Make deals together: Sell your products together at a special price

2. Share what you know: Write for each other's blogs or make videos together

3. Let others sell for you: Give them a cut when they help sell your stuff

Use Email to Sell

Emails are good for selling digital products:

What to Do Why It Helps
Get people's emails Grow your list of possible buyers
Set up automatic emails Welcome new customers and remind forgetful ones
Send regular updates Tell people about new products and sales

Use Social Media

Tell more people about your products:

  • Show sneak peeks of your products on social media
  • Pay for ads to get more people to see your products
  • Talk to people online about your products

Make Helpful Content

Show people why your products are good:

  • Write blog posts about topics related to your products
  • Make videos showing how to use your products
  • Give away free samples so people can try before they buy

Use Platform Features for Upselling

Using platform features for upselling can help you sell more digital products. Here's how to do it:

Smart Product Suggestions

Use tools that suggest products based on what customers like:

Feature How It Helps
Looks at customer habits Shows products they might want
Changes suggestions quickly Keeps ideas fresh
Tests different ideas Finds what works best

These smart suggestions can help customers buy more and be happier with what they get.

Make Product Bundles

Selling products together can work well. Try these ideas:

1. Course packages: Sell a beginner course with a follow-up course for less than buying them separately.

2. Extra content: Add books or worksheets to your main course.

3. Help services: Offer one-on-one calls or feedback with your courses.

Bundles give customers more value and can make them want to spend more.

Offer Different Prices

Give customers choices with different prices:

Level What You Get Price
Basic Main content $X
Better Main content + extras $Y
Best All content + personal help $Z

Showing these options side by side helps customers pick what's best for them.

Sell More After Purchase

Try to sell more right after someone buys:

  • Show a special deal on the "thank you" page
  • Send emails about other products they might like
  • Offer deals that end soon to make people want to buy

Keep your offers related to what they bought and don't raise the price too much. A good rule is to keep it under 25% more than what they just spent.

Keep Customers Coming Back

Getting customers to buy again is key to selling more digital products. Here's how to do it:

Use a Loyalty Program

Loyalty programs help keep customers buying. They work well:

Program Type What It Does Why It's Good
Levels Better rewards as customers buy more Makes people want to buy again
Paid Customers pay for special perks Gets people to buy more often
Subscription Regular discounts for repeat buys Steady income and keeps customers
Mix Uses parts of different programs Fits your business and what customers like

More Ways to Keep Customers

Try these ideas to make customers buy again:

1. Emails just for them: Send emails about products they might like based on what they bought before. This can make more people open your emails.

2. Special deals for repeat buyers: Give your best customers early access to new products or special sales. This makes them feel important.

3. Ask for reviews: Set up a system that asks customers to leave reviews after buying. Good reviews help new people buy and remind old customers why they like your products.

4. Keep in touch after they buy: Send emails with helpful tips or news about your company. This keeps customers thinking about you between purchases.

Follow Rules and Stay Safe

When selling digital products on a platform, it's important to keep things safe and follow the rules. Here's how to protect your business and customers:

Use Strong Safety Measures

Keep your digital products and customer information safe. Try these:

Safety Feature What It Does Why It's Good
SSL Certificate Keeps data safe when sent Protects private information
Two-Step Login Adds extra safety Stops others from getting in
Regular Updates Fixes weak spots Keeps your store safe
Anti-Virus Software Finds and removes threats Stops bad software

Guard Against Online Attacks

Be ready to stop common online attacks:

1. DDoS Protection: Use a special wall to filter out bad traffic and stop attacks that try to overload your site.

2. Content Delivery Network: Use this to spread out your website load and help if someone tries to attack.

3. Strong Passwords: Make sure all accounts use hard-to-guess passwords.

4. Check Often: Look for weak spots in your system regularly.

Keep Your Digital Products Safe

Stop people from stealing or sharing your digital goods:

  • Lock your files with passwords
  • Use licenses to control who can use your products
  • Use tech that stops people from copying your stuff
  • Watch for odd behavior or downloads you didn't allow

Follow the Law

Make sure your digital sales follow the rules:

  • Handle customer data the right way (GDPR rules)
  • Set up the right taxes for digital goods
  • Write clear rules for using your products
  • Don't sell anything that's not allowed

1. Create a Virtual Storefront

Setting up an online store is key to selling more digital products. A good store can bring in customers, show off your products, and make buying easy.

Make Your Store Look Good

Use the tools your platform gives you to make your store look nice:

What to Change Why It Matters
Colors Makes your brand easy to spot
Layout Helps people find things
Logo Makes people trust you more
Product groups Makes shopping easier

Pick colors and designs that fit your brand to make your store stand out.

Use Tools to Sell More

Most platforms have tools to help you sell:

  • SEO: Use good words to show up in searches
  • Emails: Send news about new stuff and sales
  • Social Media: Share your store on Facebook and other sites

Talk to Your Customers

Talking to customers helps them buy again:

  1. Ask what they think and show good reviews
  2. Answer questions quickly
  3. Give rewards to people who buy a lot
  4. Suggest products they might like

When you talk to customers, they're more likely to come back.

Make Buying Easy

Use your platform's features to help people buy:

Feature How It Helps
Safe shopping cart Makes people feel okay about buying
Many ways to pay Lets more people buy from you
Clear product info Helps people know what they're buying
Good pictures Shows off your products
Reminder emails Reminds people to finish buying

These tools can help more people buy your digital products.


2. Build a Landing Page

A good landing page helps sell digital products. It shows customers what you're selling and why they should buy it.

Make Your Page Look Good

Focus on these parts when making your landing page:

Part What to Do
Big title Write a clear title that tells people how your product helps them
Good pictures Use clear photos or videos that show your product
List of good things Tell people how your product makes their life better
What others say Add comments from happy customers to show your product works

Use Tools to Sell More

Try these tools to make your landing page work better:

1. Test different versions: Try changing your page to see what works best

2. Get emails: Ask people to sign up for emails about your products

3. Show ads to visitors: Use special code to show ads to people who visited your page before

Help People Buy

Do these things to get more people to buy:

What to Do Why It Helps
Show clear prices People like to know how much things cost
Use a big "Buy Now" button Makes it easy for people to buy
Say if there's not much left Makes people want to buy before it's gone
Offer money back Makes people feel safe about buying

These ideas can help you make a landing page that sells more digital products.

3. Use Social Media

Social media can help you sell more digital products. Many people use these sites, so you can reach lots of possible buyers.

Tools for Selling

Social media gives you ways to tell people about your products:

Tool How to Use It
Hashtags Add words with # to help people find your posts
Contests Give away free stuff to get people interested
Paid Ads Pay to show your products to specific groups

Talk to Customers

Talking to people on social media helps them know and like your brand:

  • Post often about things related to your products
  • Make groups where people can talk about your brand
  • Answer questions and comments quickly

Sell More

Use social media to get more people to buy:

What to Do Why It Helps
Show off products Let people see what you're selling
Share customer posts Show how others like your products
Add "Buy Now" links Make it easy for people to buy

4. Use Email Marketing

Email marketing is a great way to sell more digital products. It helps you talk to customers, make more sales, and get the most out of your selling platform.

Tools for Sending Emails

Many platforms have tools to help you send emails. For example, Sellfy lets you:

  • Send emails with links and discount codes
  • Tell people about new products
  • Give out discounts
  • Let customers know about changes to products

These tools often have ready-made email designs you can use.

Talking to Customers

To talk to customers well through email:

  1. Get more email addresses by giving away free stuff or special deals
  2. Group your email list by things like age, what people like, or what they've bought before
  3. Use people's names in emails and send them things they care about
  4. Set up emails that send automatically, like welcome messages or reminders about things left in shopping carts
Email Type What It's For Example
Welcome Say hi to new people "Thanks for joining! Here's what we do..."
New Product Tell people about new stuff "Check out our new online class..."
Special Deal Give out discounts "20% off all ebooks this week!"
Cart Reminder Remind people to finish buying "Don't forget the stuff in your cart!"

Selling More

To sell more with your emails:

  • Write email titles that make people want to open them
  • Tell people clearly what to do next, like "Buy Now"
  • Make people want to buy soon by saying deals won't last long
  • Show what other customers say about your products

5. Make Your Product Listings Better

Making your product listings better can help you sell more digital products. By focusing on key parts, you can help more people find and buy your products.

Sell More

To make your product listings work better:

1. Write good titles: Put important words first in your title. Keep it short (50-60 letters) so search engines can see it. Make sure the title clearly says what your product is.

2. Write clear descriptions: Start by saying what your item is in one sentence. Then, give more details about options and why it's good. Answer questions buyers might have.

3. Use good pictures: Add many product pictures showing different options or how to use it. Good pictures make people want to click and buy.

4. Use search words: Put words people search for in your title, description, and tags. But don't use too many, or search engines might not like it.

Use Platform Tools

Use tools on your selling platform to make your listings better:

Tool What It Does How to Use It
Word finder Finds words people search for Use these words in your listings
Numbers tracker Shows how people use your store Use this info to make your listings better
A/B testing Tries different versions Test different titles, descriptions, and pictures

6. Offer Special Promotions

Offering special promotions can help you sell more digital products. By making people want to buy soon and giving them good deals, you can get more customers to buy.

Sell More

To make your promotions work better:

1. Change prices: Use different prices based on how often people visit your site and how long they stay. This can help you make 19% more money than using the same price for everyone.

2. Offer cheap items: Sell something cheap to get new customers. This can help people start buying from you.

3. Sell more after a purchase: Use your platform's tools to offer more products after someone buys. For example, on Teachable, you can add a video and an offer for another course on the "thank you" page.

Get Customers Interested

Try these ideas to get customers excited:

Promotion Type What It Is Why It Works
Quick Sales Sales that don't last long Makes people want to buy fast
Buy One, Get One Free Get two items for the price of one Makes people feel they're getting a good deal
New Product Sales Special deals on new items Gets people excited about new products

Use Tools to Tell People

Use these tools to let people know about your deals:

1. Emails: Send messages about sales, updates on orders, and how to use products. 2. Social Media: Show your deals on sites like Facebook and Instagram. 3. Screens in Stores: If you have a shop, use screens to show sales that are ending soon.

7. Gather Customer Reviews

Getting customer reviews helps sell more digital products. Reviews make people trust you and want to buy from you. Here's how to get more reviews:

Ask Customers for Reviews

  1. Send emails after they buy: Use tools to send automatic emails asking for reviews about a week after someone buys your product.

  2. Ask in your app: If your product has an app, ask users if they like it. If they say yes, ask them to leave a review.

  3. Use social media: When customers say nice things about your product online, ask them to write a review.

Tools to Help Get Reviews

Tool What It Does How to Use It
Email tools Send emails automatically Set up 3-6 emails to ask for reviews
Social media posts Ask for reviews on social sites Make posts asking customers to share what they think
Review software Helps collect and show reviews Use it to get and manage reviews from different places

These ideas can help you get more reviews, which can lead to more sales of your digital products.

8. Use Upselling to Sell More

Upselling helps you make more money from your digital products. By offering extra value to customers, you can increase sales and make buyers happier. Here's how to upsell digital products:

Sell More

  1. Offer related products: When someone buys something, suggest a product that goes well with it. For example, if they buy a beginner's course, offer an intermediate course.

  2. Keep prices close: Make your upsell price no more than 25% higher than what they're already buying. This keeps customers interested.

  3. Show why it's good: Tell customers clearly how the extra product or features will help them.

Get Customers Interested

  1. Pick the right time: Offer upsells after customers decide to buy, but before they finish paying. This is when they're most likely to add more.

  2. Use what others say: Show reviews and comments from happy customers who bought the extra product. This helps new buyers trust you.

  3. Make it urgent: Give short-time deals or special content to make people want to buy now. For example, offer one month free if they upgrade right away.

Tools to Help

Tool What It Does How to Use It
Pop-ups Show upsell offers Add a pop-up with a deal after someone puts an item in their cart
Emails Remind people to buy Send emails about items left in carts, with suggestions for more products
Smart suggestions Show products people might like Use computer programs to suggest products based on what people looked at before

9. Give Great Customer Help

Helping customers well is key to selling more digital products. Good help makes customers happy, keeps them coming back, and gets them to buy more.

Talk to Customers

  1. Answer reviews: Reply to what customers say, good or bad. This shows you care about what they think and want to make things better. It helps people trust you and keep buying from you.

  2. Help in many ways: Let customers reach you through email, social media, and chat. This lets them talk to you how they like best, making them happier.

  3. Use live chat: Add a chat box to your website to help customers right away. This can fix problems fast and make buying easier.

Sell More

  1. Make a questions page: Write down answers to common questions. This helps customers find answers on their own and means fewer people need to ask for help.

  2. Help each person: Use what you know about customers to give them help that fits them. This makes helping feel more personal.

  3. Try computer helpers: Use smart computer programs to answer simple questions fast. This lets real people focus on harder problems.

Tools to Help Customers

Tool What It Does How It Helps
Live Chat Lets you talk to customers right away Fixes problems fast
Email Lets you send long answers Good for big questions
Phone Lets you talk to customers Helps with hard problems
Social Media Lets you answer where people ask Helps many people at once

10. Use Numbers to Sell More

Looking at your sales numbers can help you sell more digital products. By using this information, you can make smart choices to boost your sales and make more money.

Sell More

To sell more, look at these important numbers:

Number to Watch What It Means Why It's Important
Sales Rate How many visitors buy Shows if your sales process works well
Average Sale Amount How much people spend Helps you know if you should offer more products
Left Cart Rate How many people don't finish buying Shows if buying is too hard
Money Per Visitor How much each visitor is worth Tells you if your site is making money

Keep Customers Happy

Look at these numbers to make customers happier:

1. Customer Worth: How much a customer spends over time. This helps you know which customers to focus on.

2. Quick Leave Rate: How many people leave your site fast. If it's high, you might need better product details.

3. Watch Visits: Use tools to see how people use your site. This can show you where people have trouble buying.

By checking these numbers often, you can make your sales better and sell more digital products.

Number What It Shows How to Use It
Customer Worth How much you can expect from each customer Make plans to keep good customers
Quick Leave Rate If people like what they see on your site Make your site better to keep people interested
Watch Visits How people use your site Fix parts of your site that cause problems


To sell more digital products on platforms, follow these key steps:

1. Pick the Right Platform: Choose one that fits your needs, with good tools for:

  • Changing how your store looks
  • Taking payments
  • Helping customers

2. Make Your Brand Stand Out: Create a look and feel that your customers will remember. Use it everywhere to build trust.

3. Make Good Products: Spend time making digital products that help solve your customers' problems. Good quality is key to doing well.

4. Use Different Ways to Tell People About Your Products: Try these methods:

Method How It Helps
Social Media Talk to customers, get your name out there
Emails Keep in touch, share news, offer deals
Helpful Content Show you know your stuff, give free tips
Search Engine Help Make it easy for people to find you online

5. Make Buying Easy: Help customers go from finding out about you to buying from you without problems. Do these things:

  • Write clear product details
  • Use buttons that say "Buy Now" or "Learn More"
  • Make paying quick and easy


How do you market a digital product?

To market your digital product:

  1. Set up an online store on Shopify or WooCommerce
  2. Make a landing page about your product
  3. Use social media:
    • Share useful info on Twitter
    • Show your product on Instagram
  4. Send emails to tell people about deals
  5. Talk about your product in YouTube videos

How to sell digital products to make money?

To start selling digital products:

  1. Think of ideas and check what people want
  2. Ask possible customers if they like your idea
  3. Find out who might buy your product
  4. Open an online store using Shopify or Gumroad
  5. Use marketing to get people to visit and buy

How can I promote my digital products?

Ways to promote digital products:

Method What to Do
Make content Write blogs, make videos, post on social media
Help with problems Answer questions your customers have
Get emails Offer something free to get people's emails
Make your product easy to find Use words people search for
Give deals Offer sales or discounts for a short time
Show what others say Ask happy customers to leave reviews
Help customers Answer questions quickly to make people happy
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