Alexey Kramin
2 minutes read
juillet 27, 2024
Published: avril 22, 2024

Image Recognition, Delivery Rates, Customer Reviews, and Weekly Store Summaries

Automated product creation through images.

You’ve probably already tried automating product details creation based on its name. Today, we want to introduce another automation to you to boost your productivity. This time, it’s product creation with AI through an image. The process is as simple as this:

  • 📸 Upload an image;

  • 👀 Check the generated data;

  • 📦 Publish the product;

  • 💰 Earn.

Sounds fascinating? Check this out in your store

Delivery rates for physical goods

We hesitated about whether we needed delivery at all, as our main focus is digital products. However, with the recent growth of stores offering tangible goods, we cannot postpone this decision any longer.

Currently, you can set up a variety of delivery rates for your web shop. The settings are adjustable for most cases, regardless of your coverage, whether you want to deliver within your country, Europe, or even globally.

You can find your delivery rates here.

Customer reviews

Do you read customer reviews when you buy something online? Well, the vast majority of your customers do too. According to ESW, about 95% of customers check reviews before making a purchase, and a product with only 5 reviews is 270% more likely to be purchased than a product without reviews. Additionally, besides these numbers, reviews have a list of the following benefits:

  • Boost sales through social proof. Customers tend to believe real reviews twelve times more than other forms of marketing. Improve conversions. Reviews can convince customers to purchase a product they were uncertain about.

  • Strengthen customer loyalty. Honest reviews, not only positive ones, published by a merchant show that you care about your customers’ opinions.

  • Improve SEO. Google’s algorithms tend to rank pages with customer reviews higher, plus you get more mentions of your brand and products.

  • Free marketing. You gain constant brand exposure by receiving reviews, which can surpass other marketing campaigns.

What's also cool about the reviews feature on is that you have to do nothing to enable or collect them. Your customers are asked to leave a review right after their purchase, and all the reviews will be displayed under your products. You can find a full list of reviews about your goods here.

Receive your store performance with no effort

Data is the key to better marketing, engagement, and sales. While it’s so important, the amount of it can be overwhelming. We would like to make a contribution into your data collection and structuring, so we launched a weekly stats email where you can find your store’s performance for the last week. Let us know if you need some additional data there.

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