Alexey Kramin
2 minutes read
juillet 27, 2024
Published: avril 18, 2024

Freebies, test purchases, footer and new pricing

New freebies, as promised

Boost your sales and engagement by offering free products. They're not just products that decrease your sales; it's actually the opposite. Freebies are parts of your expertise that bring benefits to your customers and can persuade them to buy your main products. They come in different forms: ebooks from course sellers, samples from musicians, or a set of brushes from an artist. It's up to you what to offer your customers, and we can help you with it.

Test your purchase flow

Have you considered taking a look at the purchase flow from your customers' perspective? You might want to do this to check how your third-party integrations work or simply to understand how your customers receive their orders. Either way, you gain more control over your store. To create a test order, simply add a desired product to your cart and click on 'Make a test order'. It's that easy!

While we aim for to be a platform where you donโ€™t need to spend hours tinkering to create attractive web stores, we also want to offer you more flexibility with your content. After all, itโ€™s your store, so you should have complete control over it. That's why we've introduced new footer settings. You can now add as many links as you want there. Additionally, you can turn on our logo display there if you would like to help us a bit ๐Ÿ˜‰

New pricing

You must have already heard about our new pricing. As our startup continues to experiment, we're eager to try out new prices. Our goal is to make our product more affordable with a monthly subscription and more appealing to experienced sellers with a higher lifetime license.

We announced our pricing yesterday and have already received some feedback. Based on this feedback, we have decided to make another revision to our prices. Here are the final ones: a monthly subscription for $49 per month and a lifetime license for $349. Thank you for your feedback!

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