Igor BokyAlexey Kramin
9 minutes read
September 08, 2024
Published: July 22, 2024

Boost Your Sales: Marketing Strategies for Gumroad VRChat Models

Here's how to increase sales of your VRChat models on Gumroad:

  1. Know your audience: Young males under 30 are the primary users
  2. Optimize your Gumroad listing: Clear titles, good images/videos, relevant tags
  3. Use social media: Focus on Twitter, YouTube, Discord
  4. Market within VRChat: Host events, collaborate with creators
  5. Email marketing: Build a list, personalize emails
  6. Offer deals and discounts: Limited-time offers, bundles, rewards
  7. Engage with the community: Join forums, provide support
  8. Track results: Monitor analytics, adjust strategies
Strategy Key Actions
Gumroad listing Clear titles, quality media, relevant tags
Social media Share content on Twitter, YouTube, Discord
VRChat marketing Host events, collaborate with creators
Email marketing Build list, send personalized emails
Deals/discounts Time-limited offers, bundles, rewards program
Community engagement Join forums, provide customer support
Analytics Track key metrics, adjust strategies

Focus on creating value, building community, and continually improving your marketing approach.

Know your target audience

Understanding who buys your VRChat models on Gumroad helps you market better. This section covers who uses VRChat and what they want to buy.

Find out who uses VRChat


Recent studies show most VRChat users are young and male, with some diversity in gender identity:

User Group Percentage
Under 30 years old 86%
Male 66%
Trans/non-binary or other About 20%

Knowing these facts can help you make marketing plans that work for these groups.

Learn what buyers want

To market well, you need to know what VRChat users like to buy. Here's what's popular now:

Popular Items Details
Custom avatars High demand, especially for male avatars
Cross-platform models Work on different devices
Detailed models High-quality, intricate designs

Buyers want avatars that look good and work on many devices. Male avatars are harder to make, so they're in high demand.

Improve your Gumroad listing


To help more people find and buy your VRChat models on Gumroad, you need to make your listing better. Here's how:

Write clear titles and descriptions

When you make your Gumroad listing, use simple titles and descriptions. This helps buyers quickly understand what your VRChat model is and why it's good.


  • Use words buyers might search for
  • List the main features of your model
  • Keep it short and easy to read

Use good images and videos

Good pictures and videos are important to show off your VRChat models. They help buyers see how your model looks and works.


  • Use clear, high-quality images from different angles
  • Make a short video showing your model's features
  • Make sure your images and videos are bright and easy to see

Choose the right tags

Tags help buyers find your VRChat model when they search on Gumroad.

Tag Type Examples Why It's Useful
Specific "VRChat avatar", "custom model" Helps buyers find exactly what they want
General "3D model", "character" Reaches more buyers


  • Use tags that describe your model
  • Mix specific and general tags
  • Keep tags short and simple

Use social media

Social media can help you sell more VRChat models on Gumroad. Here's how to use it well:

Pick the best platforms

Focus on platforms where VRChat users spend time:

Platform Why it's good
Twitter Easy to share images and updates
YouTube Great for video tutorials and showcases
Discord Good for talking directly with the community

Make interesting posts

Share content that shows off your models and helps VRChat users:

  • How-to guides for using your models
  • Pictures of your work process
  • Happy customer reviews

Grow your followers and talk to customers

Build a community of people who might buy your models:

What to do How it helps
Answer comments and messages Shows you care about customers
Work with other creators Helps you reach more people
Run contests Gets people excited about your models

Market within VRChat

Using VRChat itself to promote your Gumroad models can boost sales. Here are some ways to do this:

Host virtual events

Organize events in VRChat to show off your models:

Event Type Description
Workshops Teach people how to use your models
Tutorials Show tips and tricks for your models
Fashion shows Display your models in action

Tell people about your events on social media and VRChat forums to get more visitors.

Work with VRChat creators

Team up with popular VRChat users to reach more people:

  1. Find creators with many followers
  2. Offer them free use of your models
  3. Ask them to talk about your models to their fans

This helps both of you: they get new models, and you get more people seeing your work.

Show your models in VRChat

Let people see how good your models are:

Method How to do it
Live streams Show your models in real-time
Recorded videos Make videos showing what your models can do
Custom demos Show specific features to interested buyers

Use email marketing

Email marketing can help you sell more VRChat models on Gumroad. Here's how to do it well:

Get email addresses

To start, you need to collect email addresses. Try these methods:

  • Give away free stuff or discounts to people who sign up
  • Add a sign-up form to your Gumroad page or website
  • Ask for emails when people join your online events

Write good emails

Once you have email addresses, write emails that make people want to buy. Here's how:

  • Use the person's name in the email
  • Keep emails short and clear
  • Write subject lines that grab attention
  • Tell people what to do next (like "Buy Now")

Send different emails to different groups

Sending the right emails to the right people works better. Here's how to group your email list:

Group Who they are
New sign-ups People who just joined your email list
Past buyers People who bought your models before
Interested people People who like your models but haven't bought yet

For each group:

  • New sign-ups: Send welcome emails and info about your models
  • Past buyers: Tell them about new models or updates
  • Interested people: Share reasons why they should buy your models

Offer deals and discounts

Giving special deals can help you sell more VRChat models on Gumroad. Here are three ways to use deals to boost your sales:

Make time-limited offers

Offers that end soon can make people want to buy quickly. Here's how to do it:

Step Action
1 Set a clear end date for your deal
2 Tell people about it on social media and email
3 Use countdown timers to show time running out

Sell models in groups

Selling models together can give buyers more value. It can also help you sell more at once. Here's how:

Step Action
1 Pick models that go well together
2 Make the group price lower than buying each model alone
3 Tell people about your model groups online

Start a rewards program

Giving perks to repeat buyers can make them come back. A simple program can work well. Try these steps:

Step Action
1 Find your best customers
2 Give them something they'll like (e.g., discounts, early access)
3 Let people know about your rewards through email and social media

These methods can help you sell more VRChat models on Gumroad by giving buyers good reasons to buy from you.

Connect with the VRChat community

Building relationships with VRChat users can help you sell more models. Here's how to do it:

Join VRChat forums and groups

Talk with other VRChat users online:

What to do Why it helps
Join discussions People get to know you
Answer questions Show you know your stuff
Share useful info Others start to trust you

Help customers quickly

Good customer service makes people want to buy from you again:

  • Answer questions fast
  • Fix problems right away
  • Help people after they buy

Happy customers tell others about you, which can lead to more sales.

Ask for and use customer feedback

Find out what your customers think:

Step Action
1 Ask customers what they like and don't like
2 Use their ideas to make your models better
3 Change how you sell based on what they say

Listening to customers helps you make things people want to buy.

Check how well your marketing works

To make your marketing better, you need to see what's working and what's not. Here's how to do that:

Set up ways to track results

Use these tools to see how well you're doing:

Tool What it shows
Google Analytics Website visits, how people use your site
Gumroad analytics Sales, refunds, what customers do
Social media tools How well your posts are doing

Watch important numbers

Keep an eye on these key numbers:

Number to watch What it means
Conversion rate How many visitors buy something
Average order value How much people usually spend
Customer acquisition cost How much it costs to get a new customer
Customer retention rate How many customers come back to buy again

Change your plan based on results

Use what you learn to make your marketing better:

  1. Look at your numbers often
  2. Find what needs to get better
  3. Try new things if something isn't working
  4. Keep doing what works well

For example:

  • If social media isn't working, try different posts or platforms
  • If few people are buying, make your Gumroad page better


To finish up, here's a quick look at how to sell more VRChat models on Gumroad:

Strategy What to do
Know your buyers Find out who uses VRChat and what they want
Make your listing better Use clear titles, good pictures, and the right tags
Use social media Share your work on Twitter, YouTube, and Discord
Market in VRChat Host events and work with other creators
Send emails Get email addresses and send helpful messages
Offer deals Give time-limited offers and sell models in groups
Talk to the community Join forums, help customers, and ask for feedback
Check your results Use tools to see what's working and what's not

Remember these key points:

  • Give your customers good value
  • Build a strong community around your work
  • Keep trying new things to see what works best

Now it's time to use these ideas to help you sell more VRChat models on Gumroad. Good luck!


How to sell VRChat avatar?

Here's a simple guide to sell your VRChat avatar:

1. Prepare your avatar

  • Make a Unity Package file with your avatar
  • Include project files (like Blender files) if you want
  • Add a PDF with usage rules

2. Choose a price

  • Prices can be from $15 to $100+
  • Base it on how complex your avatar is

3. Put it up for sale

  • Use Gumroad to sell your avatar
  • Upload all needed files (Unity Package, .fbx, .spp)

4. Make your store look good

  • Change how your store looks to catch buyers' eyes

5. Tell people about it

  • Share your avatar on social media and forums
Step What to do
1 Get avatar ready
2 Set a price
3 Upload to Gumroad
4 Make store look nice
5 Share online
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