Igor Boky
16 minutes read
lipiec 27, 2024
Published: grudzień 10, 2023

An eCommerce store for full-time workers

With demanding full-time jobs, it's tough for many professionals to find time for side hustles.

However, with the flexibility of ecommerce, full-time workers can build an online store that earns passive income around their schedule.

This article will explore how to launch an ecommerce business designed for busy professionals, including identifying profitable niches, streamlining operations, and optimizing the store for continued success without compromising your career.


Many full-time workers dream of starting their own business but struggle to find the time and energy to do so while working a demanding job. An ecommerce store can be the perfect side hustle for full-time workers, allowing them to sell products online with minimal effort.

The biggest roadblock for full-time workers is not having enough time in the day to run an online business. Building and managing an ecommerce store from scratch can be extremely time-consuming and feel like an impossible feat on top of a 40+ hour work week. This is where tools like Marketsy.ai come in – allowing workers to launch an entire customized store in just minutes using AI.

Marketsy.ai's AI Marketplace Builder takes care of all the tedious backend work, enabling workers to get their store up and running almost instantly. Features like automatic inventory tracking, seamless checkout, promotional tools, and product recommendations eliminate the daily grunt work, freeing up valuable personal time. Workers can showcase and sell products on their stores without it feeling like a second full-time job.

With Marketsy.ai, full-time workers can start achieving their entrepreneurial dreams and capitalize on the benefits of ecommerce without sacrificing their career or personal life. This opens up potential for extra income through online sales with minimal effort and commitment. The following sections will explore the possibilities in more detail.

Can eCommerce be a full time job?

Ecommerce presents a massive opportunity for full-time income. In 2022, global ecommerce sales topped $5 trillion, and that number is expected to grow to over $7 trillion by 2025. With more people shopping online every day, there is huge demand for online stores and marketplaces.

For entrepreneurs and small business owners, ecommerce enables selling products or services to a global customer base from anywhere with an internet connection. Thanks to intuitive store builders like Marketsy.ai, launching an online store is easier than ever before, even for non-technical founders.

Marketsy.ai's AI-powered platform allows creating a customized online store in minutes with no coding required. Features like automated inventory management, built-in payment processing, and global shipping options enable solopreneurs to efficiently run operations. And with the ability to instantly update product listings and manage promotions, store owners can easily adapt to shifts in market demand.

So whether launching a passion project shop or building a global marketplace empire, ecommerce presents flexible, location-independent income potential. Even as a side hustle alongside a regular 9-to-5 job, an online store can deliver supplemental earnings without taking over your life.

What are the 4 types of e-commerce?

There are 4 main types of e-commerce business models:

Business-to-Business (B2B): Companies selling products or services to other companies. For full-time workers who want to start an online store, this typically won't apply.

Business-to-Consumer (B2C): Businesses selling products or services directly to consumers. This is the most common e-commerce model for everyday product sales and the type of store most relevant to full-time workers launching online stores.

Consumer-to-Consumer (C2C): Platforms like eBay or Craigslist that facilitate transactions between consumers. For full-time workers, this takes more effort than a B2C store.

Consumer-to-Business (C2B): Consumers make products or perform services that a business purchases from them. An example is selling digital products like photo filters that companies license. This can work well for creative full-time workers.

The B2C model where you sell finished products directly to consumers is likely the easiest ecommerce approach for full-time workers starting an online store. C2B selling digital goods to businesses has potential too. But all models are possible depending on your goals!

What is Ghost commerce side hustle?

Ghost commerce is a popular side hustle for full-time workers looking to earn extra income online. It allows individuals to market and sell products without actually owning an inventory.

Instead, ghost commerce store owners partner with manufacturers, wholesalers, or dropshipping suppliers to fulfill orders. When a customer purchases a product, the order and payment details are forwarded to the supplier, who then ships the item directly to the customer.

This hands-off ecommerce model means full-time workers can operate an online store in their spare time without the overhead costs and logistics of purchasing, storing and shipping inventory themselves.

With automation tools and virtual assistants, most administrative tasks like customer service can also be outsourced. This enables busy full-time workers to manage a profitable ghost commerce store with only a few hours per week.

Key benefits of ghost commerce for full-time workers:

  • Requires low startup costs and inventory investments
  • Leverages dropshipping suppliers to handle fulfillment and shipping
  • Automatable to run with only a few hours per week
  • Allows testing of products before fully committing
  • Additional revenue stream outside of primary full-time job

So for anyone with limited time looking to boost their income, ghost commerce, with its flexibility and automation capabilities, is an ideal online business model to run as a side hustle.

How much money can you make with an eCommerce store?

Starting an online store can be an attractive way to make money as a side hustle for busy professionals or entrepreneurs looking to build passive income streams. According to recent data, the average annual salary for eCommerce business owners is around $111,230, which works out to around $9,269 per month. However, top earners in the 75th percentile make over $120,000 per year, while even those in the 25th percentile can earn $67,000 annually from their online stores.

So while income potential varies widely, an eCommerce business can drive profits ranging from solid part-time earnings to replacing your full-time salary entirely. The key factors that impact how much you can make include:

  • Your niche - Some product categories like fashion, hobbies, or collectibles tend to see higher sales volumes and profit margins. Researching product demand and competition is crucial.

  • Marketing and branding - Driving traffic through SEO, social media, and ads is vital for sales. Strong branding also allows you to command higher prices.

  • Automation - Leveraging tools like Marketsy.ai to quickly build your online store allows you to focus more time on marketing and product development.

With some strategic planning around your product selection, marketing, and operations, an eCommerce store can be an excellent way for busy professionals to earn a meaningful side income stream around their regular job. The hands-off automation and ease of launch from Marketsy.ai makes getting started simple.


Harnessing eCommerce: A Pathway for Full-Time Workers

Running an online store can be an ideal side hustle for full-time workers. By leveraging the power of ecommerce, those with busy work schedules can unlock new income streams and business opportunities. Let's explore key benefits like passive income generation, schedule flexibility, low overhead costs, expanded customer reach through the Internet, and process automation.

Unlocking Passive Income Opportunities

Creating an online store provides one of the best online side hustle opportunities in 2023. Once your store is set up and running, it can generate sales and revenue 24/7 with minimal ongoing time investment on your part. You can potentially profit while you sleep! As you build up your inventory, customer base, and streamline operations over time, your ecommerce store can transform into a source of passive or semi-passive income.

Schedule Flexibility for the Full-Time Workforce

A major struggle for full-time workers is balancing their existing job commitments with side hustles or passion projects. Physical retail spaces come with predefined store opening hours that you need to adhere to. Online stores powered by ecommerce platforms like Marketsy.ai provide complete flexibility - you can choose to manage your store before work, during lunch breaks, after work hours, weekends, or whenever suits your schedule.

Minimizing Overhead Costs Through Ecommerce

For traditional brick-and-mortar businesses, monthly overheads like retail rental fees, utility bills, inventory storage costs, staffing expenses, etc. can seriously eat into your margins. Selling online instead helps minimize such fixed and variable costs substantially. Marketsy.ai makes it even easier by instantly generating a full-fledged online store for you with robust features, allowing you to avoid development, hosting, and maintenance costs.

Expanding Your Reach: The Global Market

Local customer reach is limited if you only sell products in a physical store within your neighborhood or city. However, an ecommerce store allows you to market and ship your products to customers anywhere across the world! It opens up possibilities of tapping into niche international buyer markets related to your offerings. This leads to more sales and passive income without being constrained by geographical barriers.

Ecommerce Automation: Simplifying Operations

Managing inventory, order processing, customer account creation, payment collection, and product fulfillment can be challenging manual tasks for online sellers. Marketsy.ai provides intelligent product data organization, one-click checkout capabilities, automated order processing workflows and more right out the box. This reduces mundane repetitive tasks, allowing you to instead focus on high-level marketing and growth efforts to further scale your income.

Launching Your Store: A Guide for Busy Professionals

Starting an online business while juggling a full-time job can seem daunting, but with the right strategies and tools, it is possible to launch a successful ecommerce store even with limited time. The key is to leverage automation, find an untapped niche, and optimize operations for efficiency.

Identifying a Profitable Niche for 2023

When launching an online store as a side business, it is crucial to identify a profitable, underserved niche with high demand and minimal competition. Analyze Google Trends and ecommerce market reports to uncover rising niches for 2023. Consider specializing in sustainable products, digital downloads, hobby supplies, or other targets. Define your niche both broadly and specifically to capture search traffic. For example, specialize in sustainable bamboo kitchen products. The niche market brings less competition allowing you to dominate the search rankings.

Building Partnerships with Reliable Suppliers

Partnering with reliable suppliers who offer good prices and quality products will make managing inventory smoother. Search for manufacturers, wholesalers and dropshipping suppliers within your niche. Vet potential partners by comparing prices, reading reviews, checking shipping times/costs, and requesting product samples. Choose suppliers that integrate with leading ecommerce platforms like Shopify for easier inventory syncing. Agree on wholesale pricing, minimum orders and shipping methods.

Crafting an Engaging Online Storefront

An aesthetically pleasing, easy-to-navigate online store will convert more traffic into sales. Fortunately, ecommerce platforms like Shopify offer hundreds of professional themes to launch a great-looking store quickly. Customize the design with your branding, quality photos and structured navigation. Write compelling product descriptions optimized for SEO including keywords. Simple checkout flows and secure payment gateways like PayPal will minimize cart abandonment. Add value with perks like free shipping.

Streamlining Inventory, Shipping & Returns

Efficient inventory, shipping and returns processes are vital for managing overhead costs. Integrate your ecommerce platform, suppliers and shipping carriers to automatically sync stock levels and purchase orders. Print shipping labels and track deliveries directly within Shopify. Outsource fulfillment to 3PL providers as your orders grow. Accept online returns and offer quick refunds to increase customer loyalty.

Strategizing Marketing for Maximum Impact

Targeted digital marketing campaigns will drive qualified traffic to your new ecommerce store. Run Google and social media ads aligned to your niche buyers' search intent. Publish blogs covering "best products" within your niche to attract organic traffic. Send targeted email sequences to convert subscribers into customers. Reward referrals and loyalty with discounts to spur repeat purchases. Analyze site analytics to double down on your most effective campaigns.

By identifying hungry niche markets, leveraging automation, and optimizing operations, you can successfully launch an online store even while working full-time. The key is to streamline time-intensive tasks so you can focus on accelerating growth.

Mastering Online Store Optimization for Continued Success

This section offers tips to Marketsy.ai users on improving conversions, providing excellent customer service, analyzing metrics to identify opportunities, staying on top of ecommerce trends, expanding product catalogs, and more to achieve continued success with their AI-generated online stores.

Boosting Conversions: A Data-Driven Approach

Driving more conversions is crucial for ecommerce store growth and profitability. As a Marketsy.ai user, you have access to built-in analytics to understand user behavior and identify opportunities to optimize your storefront.

Here are some data-driven techniques to boost conversions:

  • A/B test different product page layouts, descriptions, images, pricing, etc. to determine which version performs better. Gradually make edits to underperforming pages based on top conversions.
  • Analyze exit pages to understand where and why visitors leave without purchasing. Make changes to improve user experience.
  • Personalize recommendations using browsing and purchase data so each visitor sees relevant products. This lifts conversion rates by 10-30%.
  • Highlight scarcity with notifications about limited inventory or expiring sales. The fear of missing out incentivizes quicker purchases.

Small, iterative changes informed by data insights compound over time for dramatically higher conversions.

Prioritizing Customer Service Excellence

Providing exceptional customer service at every stage, from purchase to delivery and beyond, earns loyalty and word-of-mouth promotion.

As a lean ecommerce store owner, focus on:

  • Fast issue resolution: Respond to queries and complaints within 24 hours, resolve problems promptly. Customers value speed.
  • Proactive communication: Send shipping confirmations, delivery ETAs, share order status without asking. Increase transparency.
  • Surprise perks: Randomly upgrade shipping, include free gifts like stickers on select purchases. Delight customers.
  • Post-purchase care: Send a personalized thank you email and discount code after delivery. Incentivize repeat purchases.

Providing five-star service stands out from competitors and keeps customers coming back.

Analyzing Performance Metrics for Growth

Continuously analyze your Marketsy.ai store's metrics to uncover new opportunities for innovation and growth.

Key analytics to monitor:

  • Site traffic sources: See which channels - search, social, referrals etc. - drive the most visitors. Double down on high-potential areas.
  • Top-selling items: Identify your most popular products. Make variations for more shelf space and cross-selling.
  • Buyer demographics: Discover highest value customer segments to better personalize marketing.
  • Seasonal trends: Prepare for peak periods like holidays by stocking up inventories and running promotions.

Make data-informed decisions to efficiently allocate resources for sustained expansion.

Diversifying Your Product Offerings

Starting out, it's best to focus on a tight product portfolio. But over time, diversify your catalog to increase average order value and incentivize repeat purchases.

Smart expansion strategies include:

  • Curating complementary products: Offer add-ons that customers frequently purchase together like phone cases and screen protectors.
  • Testing new product lines: Use lean methodology - create small batch of new products, gauge response, then scale winners.
  • Localization: Add products tailored to events and seasons celebrated in your target customer geography like Diwali specials.
  • Bundling offerings: Combine multiple bestselling items into kit bundles at an attractive group price to boost basket size.

A wider, complementary catalog caters to more customer needs and boosts sales.

Keeping Abreast of eCommerce Innovations

The world of ecommerce evolves swiftly. Keep learning about new technologies, shifting consumer preferences, innovations etc. to make timely upgrades.

Ways to stay updated:

  • Industry newsletters: Subscribe to retail publication newsletters highlighting the latest developments.
  • Ecommerce blogs: Follow blogs like Shopify's that share ecommerce growth tips and case studies.
  • Virtual events: Attend free webinars by leaders like Amazon and Shopify to learn ecommerce best practices.
  • Online courses: Take classes on platforms like Udemy to elevate ecommerce marketing skills.

Being an early adopter of winning trends keeps your ecommerce store competitive.

Work-Life Synergy: Striking a Balance as an Online Entrepreneur

Launching an online business while working a full-time job can be an exciting yet daunting endeavor. The flexible nature of ecommerce allows you to build your side hustle around your existing commitments. However, without proper boundaries, your entrepreneurial venture can quickly overtake your personal life.

Here are some tips for full-time workers looking to start an online store while maintaining work-life balance:

Automate and Outsource Where Possible

Leverage tools like Oberlo that fully automate order processing and inventory updates. Consider hiring a virtual assistant to handle customer service inquiries, product listings, and other tasks that drain your time. The money invested will buy back precious hours.

Define Your Work Hours

Set a schedule for when you’ll work on your business each day or week and stick to it rigidly. Use a calendar app to block off those hours and protect your personal time.

Take Regular Breaks

Schedule short breaks every 45-60 minutes to recharge. Use this time to take a walk, meditate, or do light exercise. Your brain needs periods of rest to function optimally.

Involve Your Support System

Communicate openly with family and friends about your business venture. Ask them to help hold you accountable for taking time off. Their emotional support also helps manage stress.

Outsource Time-Consuming Jobs

Consider hiring professionals to handle web design, digital marketing, shipping logistics, and other complex tasks. This allows you to focus on high-level strategy and product development.

The key is striking the right balance between your ecommerce store, day job, and personal life. With the right systems in place, you can build a successful online business without compromising your health or relationships.

Wrapping Up: The Full-Time Worker's Blueprint for Ecommerce Success

Launching an online store can seem daunting for busy professionals working full-time jobs. However, with the right tools and mindset, it is possible to start a successful ecommerce business without compromising your career or personal life.

Marketsy's AI-powered platform makes it easier than ever to create an online store tailored to your products and target customers. Within minutes, you can have a fully-functional store up and running that takes care of critical tasks like inventory management, payment processing, and marketing.

The key is to start small, focus on quality over quantity, and leverage solutions like Marketsy that simplify operations. Treat your store as a side passion project rather than a full-time commitment. Grow it steadily around your existing schedule before considering scaling up.

With some strategic planning and the simplicity of Marketsy's AI, full-time employees can absolutely achieve ecommerce success. The future of work is flexible - why not take the first step toward an entrepreneurial side hustle that aligns with your skills and interests?

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