Igor BokyAlexey Kramin
10 minutes read
March 31, 2025
Published: August 06, 2024

6 Common AI Image Recognition Problems & Solutions

AI image recognition in e-commerce faces 6 main challenges:

  1. Bad Lighting
  2. Hidden Parts of Objects
  3. Different Angles and Sizes
  4. Busy Backgrounds
  5. Products That Look Different
  6. Not Enough Training Data

Here's a quick overview of the problems and solutions:

Problem Solution
Bad Lighting Use histogram equalization and gamma correction
Hidden Parts Apply RPCA and SIFT methods
Different Angles/Sizes Implement SIFT and SURF algorithms
Busy Backgrounds Use semantic and instance segmentation
Different-looking Products Create more training data and use pre-trained models
Limited Training Data Generate synthetic data and use active learning

By addressing these issues, online stores can improve their visual search, making shopping easier and boosting sales. As AI technology advances, we can expect more accurate results, personalized shopping experiences, and wider adoption of image-based search in e-commerce.

Problem 1: Bad Lighting

Bad lighting in product images can cause issues for AI image recognition in online stores. Let's look at why this happens, how it affects results, and ways to fix it.

What Causes Bad Lighting

Poor lighting in product images can come from:

  • Not enough light when taking photos
  • Too much or too little exposure
  • Different lighting for different product shots
  • Shadows or reflections hiding product details

These issues can make it hard for AI to recognize products correctly.

How Bad Lighting Affects Results

Bad lighting can cause problems for AI image recognition:

Problem Effect
Less accurate AI struggles to identify products when details are unclear
Wrong categories Products may be put in the wrong groups due to odd colors or shapes
Mixed-up results Different lighting can make similar products look different to AI
Unhappy users Wrong search results can make customers frustrated

These problems can lead to fewer sales and unhappy customers for online stores.

Fixing Bad Lighting

Two main ways to fix bad lighting in AI image recognition are:

Using Histogram Equalization

This method helps improve image contrast:

  • It spreads out the brightness levels in an image
  • Makes dark and bright areas easier to see
  • Helps AI spot product features better

Using this can make product images clearer for AI to recognize.

Applying Gamma Correction

This tool also helps with lighting issues:

  • Changes how bright and clear an image looks
  • Fixes differences between how cameras and screens show light
  • Can be adjusted to make images look best for AI

Using gamma correction can help make product images look more alike, which helps AI recognize them better.

Problem 2: Hidden Parts of Objects

What Is Occlusion

Occlusion happens when parts of an object in an image are hidden or blocked. This makes it hard for AI to identify products in online stores. Occlusion can occur when:

  • Products overlap in a picture
  • Packaging covers part of the main item
  • Shadows hide key features
  • Photos are taken at angles that don't show everything

Why Occlusion Is a Problem

Occlusion causes issues for AI image recognition:

Problem Effect
Missing information AI can't see all parts of the product
Wrong grouping Partly hidden items may be put in the wrong category
Less accurate The system makes more mistakes overall
Unhappy customers People can't find what they're looking for

These problems can lead to fewer sales and a worse shopping experience.

Better AI Models

To fix occlusion issues, experts are making smarter AI models that can handle partly hidden objects.

Using RPCA

Robust Principal Component Analysis (RPCA) is a method that helps with occlusion:

  • Splits the image background from the main object
  • Makes it easier to spot hidden objects
  • Helps find objects in busy pictures

RPCA breaks down an image to make it easier for AI to spot products, even when they're partly hidden.

Other Helpful Methods

Other tools can work with RPCA to solve occlusion problems:

Method How It Helps
SIFT Finds objects even in messy images
Works with different sizes and angles
Can spot objects even if they're a bit warped

These AI tools work together to help recognize products better, even when parts are hidden.

Problem 3: Different Angles and Sizes

How Angles and Sizes Change Images

Product images can look different based on:

  • The angle they're taken from
  • How close or far away the camera is
  • How light hits the product
  • Which parts of the product are visible

These changes make it hard for AI to recognize products consistently.

Why This Causes Errors

When product images vary, AI can make mistakes:

Error What Happens Result
Wrong grouping Products put in incorrect categories Incorrect search results
Missed products AI doesn't spot products it should Fewer products shown to customers
Inconsistent matching Same product not recognized in different photos Scattered product listings
Misread features AI gets product details wrong Wrong product info given

These errors can make online shopping harder and less effective.

Handling Different Angles and Sizes

Two main tools help AI deal with different angles and sizes: SIFT and SURF.

Using SIFT

Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) helps AI recognize products despite image changes:

  • Finds key points in images
  • Describes these points
  • Matches points across different images

This lets AI spot products even if the photo angle or distance changes.

How SURF Works

Speeded Up Robust Features (SURF) is like SIFT but faster:

  • Works quicker than SIFT
  • Uses special math to find image features fast
  • Good at handling blurry or turned images

SURF is helpful for:

  • Working with lots of images quickly
  • Recognizing products in real-time
  • Dealing with less-than-perfect product photos

Problem 4: Busy Backgrounds

How Busy Backgrounds Affect Recognition

Busy backgrounds make it hard for AI to spot products in online store images. This leads to:

  • AI mixing up background items with products
  • Wrong product grouping
  • Slower image checking
  • More mistakes in finding similar products

Difficulty in Finding Products

Busy backgrounds cause these issues for AI:

Issue Description
Feature mix-up AI can't tell product parts from background
Color confusion Background colors mess up product color detection
Shape problems Busy backgrounds hide product outlines
Texture mistakes AI thinks background patterns are part of the product

These problems lead to bad search results and unhappy shoppers.

Separating Products from Backgrounds

To fix busy background issues, we use smart image tools:

What Is Semantic Segmentation

Semantic segmentation helps separate products from backgrounds:

  • It splits images into meaningful parts
  • Labels each pixel as product or background
  • Helps AI see products more clearly


  • Better product spotting
  • Clearer product details
  • Less background noise

How Instance Segmentation Helps

Instance segmentation goes a step further:

  • It spots each product in a picture, even with many items
  • Useful for group product photos


Advantage Description
Counting Helps track how many products are in stock
Single item focus Can look at one product in a group photo
Overlap handling Works even when products cover each other partly

Problem 5: Products That Look Different

Why Products in the Same Group Look Different

In online stores, products in the same category often look very different. This makes it hard for AI to recognize them. Here's why:

  • Different styles: Products have various designs and colors
  • Brand differences: Each brand has its own look
  • Seasonal changes: Products change with trends
  • Different materials: This can change how products look

These differences make it tough for AI to sort products correctly.

Problems with Sorting Products

When products look different, AI can make mistakes:

Problem Result
Wrong grouping Products end up in the wrong categories
Inconsistent labels Similar products get different tags
Search issues Customers can't find what they want
Bad suggestions AI recommends unrelated products

These problems can make shopping harder and lead to fewer sales.

Improving Product Recognition

To help AI recognize different-looking products better, online stores can:

Create More Training Data

This means getting more pictures for AI to learn from:

  • Take photos of products from many angles
  • Get pictures of products in different settings
  • Use computer tricks to make more picture versions
  • Ask suppliers for good, varied product photos

More pictures help AI learn to spot products better, even when they look different.

Use Pre-trained Models

Starting with AI that already knows a lot can help:

  • Begin with AI trained on many types of pictures
  • Teach this AI more about specific store products
  • Use what the AI knows to help it learn new things
  • Keep updating the AI with new product info

These models give AI a head start in recognizing products, so it doesn't have to learn everything from scratch.

Problem 6: Not Enough Training Data

Why Limited Data Is a Problem

AI image recognition needs lots of pictures to learn from. When there aren't enough different examples, the AI has trouble spotting products in new situations. This is often a problem for:

  • Niche markets
  • New products
  • Small businesses

How It Affects AI Performance

Not having enough training data can cause these issues:

Issue Effect
Overfitting AI works well on known images but fails on new ones
Poor guessing AI can't spot products in different settings
Unfair results AI might favor certain types of images
More mistakes AI gets things wrong more often

These problems can make customers unhappy and less likely to use the search tool.

Getting More from Limited Data

Even with few pictures, there are ways to help AI learn better:

Making Fake Data

This means changing existing pictures to make new ones:

  • Flip pictures left-right or up-down
  • Turn pictures at different angles
  • Make pictures blurry or add spots
  • Change how bright or colorful pictures are
  • Zoom in on parts of pictures

By doing this, one picture can teach the AI many things.

Using Active Learning

This method helps pick the best pictures to teach the AI:

  1. Start with a few labeled pictures
  2. Train the AI
  3. Use the AI on unlabeled pictures
  4. Find which pictures the AI is unsure about
  5. Have people label these tricky pictures
  6. Add these to the training set
  7. Train the AI again and repeat

This way, people focus on labeling the most helpful pictures, making the AI better bit by bit.


Summary of Problems and Solutions

AI image recognition helps online shopping, but it still has some issues. Here's a quick look at the main problems and how to fix them:

Problem Solution
Poor Lighting Fix image contrast and brightness
Hidden Object Parts Use special math to find hidden parts
Different Views and Sizes Use tools that spot key points in images
Messy Backgrounds Use tools to separate products from backgrounds
Products Looking Different Get more pictures for AI to learn from
Not Enough Pictures Make more pictures from the ones you have

By fixing these issues, online stores can make their picture search work better, which helps customers shop more easily.

What's Coming Next for AI Picture Search in Online Shops

AI picture search in online shops is getting better:

  1. Better Results: AI will get better at finding the right products, making customers happier and helping stores sell more.
  2. Shopping Just for You: AI will use what it learns from picture searches to show you products you might like.
  3. Easy to Use: More online stores will add picture search, making it easier to find products without typing.
  4. Shopping Around the World: Picture search will help people buy from stores in other countries, even if they don't speak the language.
  5. More Stores Using It: As more online shops start using picture search, it will become a normal part of online shopping.


What are the problems with image recognition?

Image recognition in product search faces several challenges:

  1. Bad Lighting: When pictures are too dark or bright, it's hard for AI to see products clearly.
  2. Hidden Parts: If parts of a product are covered up, AI might not know what it's looking at.
  3. Different Views and Sizes: Products can look different depending on how they're photographed.
  4. Messy Backgrounds: When there's a lot going on behind the product, AI can get confused.
  5. Quick Processing: AI needs to work fast to be useful for shoppers.

Here's a table showing these problems and how to fix them:

Problem What It Means How to Fix It
Bad Lighting Pictures too dark or bright Make pictures clearer
Hidden Parts Can't see whole product Use smart AI to guess missing parts
Different Views and Sizes Products look different in photos Use tools that spot key parts of products
Messy Backgrounds Too much stuff behind product Use tools to separate product from background
Quick Processing AI needs to work fast Use faster computers and better AI

These fixes help make product search work better, so shoppers can find what they want more easily.

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