Igor BokyAlexey Kramin
12 minutes read
September 16, 2024
Published: July 30, 2024

How to Start Your Own VRC Model Store: A Step-by-Step Guide

Want to sell VRChat avatars? Here's how to start your own VRC model store:

  1. Plan your store
  2. Make your products
  3. Set up your online store
  4. Handle legal and ethical issues
  5. Market your store
  6. Run your store
  7. Grow your business

Key requirements:

  • VRChat account with "New User" status
  • 3D modeling and Unity skills
  • Understanding of VRChat SDK
Step What You Need to Do
Plan Choose market, products, and pricing
Create Design avatars, use VRChat SDK, optimize performance
Set Up Pick platform (e.g. Payhip), build storefront, secure payments
Legal Follow VRChat rules, respect copyright, set clear usage terms
Market Use social media, join VRChat groups, collaborate with creators
Operate Provide customer support, update products, track sales data
Grow Expand product range, offer subscriptions, find partners

Starting a VRC model store takes work but can be profitable. Focus on creating quality avatars, treating customers well, and continuously improving your skills and offerings.

What You Need to Start

Before launching your VRC model store, you'll need to meet some key requirements. Here's what you need to get started:

VRChat Account Needs


To sell VRChat avatars, you must have:

Requirement Details
VRChat.com Account Needed for avatar uploads
Trust Rank At least "New User" status
Linked Accounts For Steam or Meta users

You'll get an email when you can start uploading avatars.

3D Modeling and Unity Basics


To create good VRChat avatars, you should know:

  1. Avatar creation tools:

    • VRChat Avatar Systems for beginners
    • VRoid Studio for anime-style characters
  2. 3D modeling software:

    • Helps make custom avatars
    • Lets you design unique characters
  3. Unity skills:

    • Needed to prepare avatars for VRChat
    • Helps improve avatar performance

Understanding VRChat SDK


The VRChat SDK is a key tool for uploading avatars. Here's what to do:

SDK Functions Purpose
Avatar Import Bring your avatar into Unity
Performance Check Make sure your avatar runs well
Upload Tools Get your avatar into VRChat

1. Plan Your Store

Planning your VRC model store is important for success in the VRChat avatar market. A good plan will help you stand out and get customers.

Find Your Market

To know who your customers are, think about:

  • Who uses VRChat
  • What avatar styles people like
  • What's missing in the market

Look at what's popular and talk to VRChat users to understand what they want in avatars.

Choose Your Products

When picking products for your store, focus on:

  1. Avatars: Full character models
  2. Accessories: Clothes, hair, props
  3. Environments: Custom worlds or rooms

Offer different products to meet various customer needs. Make sure your designs are new and well-made to be different from other stores.

Set Your Prices

Good pricing helps attract customers and make money. Here are some pricing options:

Pricing Type How It Works Good For
Fixed Price Set one price for each product Regular avatars and accessories
Pay-What-You-Want Customers choose their price (with a minimum) Building customer support
Subscription Monthly fee for access to many avatars Steady income

When setting prices, think about:

  • How complex and new your models are
  • How long it took to make them
  • What others charge for similar products

VRChat avatars usually sell for $15 to hundreds of dollars, based on how complex they are. Start with prices close to others and change them based on what customers say and how well they sell.

2. Make Your Products

Creating good VRChat avatars is key to your store's success. Here's how to design, model, and improve your products.

Design and Model

You have two main ways to create VRChat avatars:

  1. Use 3D software to make them from scratch
  2. Use online avatar creators

For 3D modeling, you can use:

  • Blender
  • Maya
  • VRoid Studio (good for anime-style avatars)

If you're new to 3D modeling, try these easy-to-use platforms:

Ready Player Me even lets you make an avatar from a photo.

Use VRChat SDK for Avatars

After you have your 3D model, follow these steps:

  1. Make a new Unity project (3D Template)
  2. Get the Avatar SDK3 package from VRChat
  3. Log in to your VRChat account in Unity
  4. Bring your avatar files into Unity
  5. Set up the avatar:
    • Set Animation Type to "Humanoid"
    • Add Animator component if needed
    • Add VRC Avatar Description component

Improve Model Performance

To make sure your avatars work well in VRChat:

Tip How to do it
Keep avatar size small Stay within 5x5x5m
Use ready-made models Check Unity Asset Store
Make textures and materials better Reduce file sizes
Lower polygon count Simplify complex shapes
Use LOD (Level of Detail) For complex models

Always test your avatar in VRChat before selling it. This helps catch any problems and makes sure it runs smoothly.

3. Set Up Your Online Store

Here's how to set up your online store for selling VRC models.

Pick a Selling Platform

Two main platforms for selling VRC models are:

Platform Key Features Good For
Payhip - Easy to set up
- Custom web address
- Automatic file sending
- Flexible pricing
New sellers, those who want options
Gumroad - Many existing customers
- Talk directly with buyers
- Can do custom orders
Experienced sellers, those who want more buyers

Both let you sell VRChat avatars, but they're a bit different. Payhip gives you more control, while Gumroad has more potential customers.

Build Your Storefront

After choosing a platform, set up your store:

  1. Pick a good store name and web address
  2. Make a simple logo and banner
  3. Group your products (like anime avatars, realistic models)
  4. Write clear product details
  5. Add good pictures and videos of your avatars

Make your store look like your brand. You can change colors, layout, and add your own content on most platforms.

Set Up Secure Payments

To keep customers' trust and run your business well, make sure payments are safe and easy:

Payment Setup Why It's Important
Use PayPal or Stripe Common and trusted payment methods
Offer different ways to pay Let customers choose what's best for them
Set up automatic bank transfers Get your money easily
Use SSL security Keep transactions safe
Show your return and privacy rules Be clear about your policies

When starting your VRC model store, you need to follow some important rules. This section covers what you need to know to run your business properly and avoid problems.

VRChat's Rules

VRChat has rules that creators must follow:

Rule What it means
Avatar Visibility You can make avatars public or private
Usage Rights Anyone can use public avatars, only you can use private ones
Property Changes You can change avatar settings anytime
Content Protection You can't download or edit other people's content

Make sure you know these rules to avoid breaking VRChat's terms and losing your account.

It's very important to respect other people's work:

  • Ask artists before using their 3D models
  • Read the description of models on sites like DeviantArt to see if you can use them
  • Make sure models work with your VRChat version
  • Don't change or sell other people's work without permission

If you don't follow these rules, you could get in legal trouble and hurt your store's reputation.

Write Clear Usage Terms

Tell your customers clearly what they can do with your avatars:

What to include Why it's important
Personal or commercial use Customers know how they can use the avatar
Rules about changes or reselling Prevents misuse of your work
How to get more rights Helps if customers want to do more with the avatar
VRChat's rules on changing content Keeps customers informed about VRChat policies

5. Market Your Store

Getting people to know about your VRC model store is key to making sales. Here's how to tell others about your store and products:

Use Social Media

Share your work on popular social media sites:

Platform What to Do
Instagram Post pictures and short videos of your VRC models
TikTok Make fun videos showing your avatars in use
Twitter Share updates, talk to VRChat users, and use hashtags

Post often to show what makes your store special. Use things like Instagram Stories or TikTok challenges to get more people to see your work.

Join VRChat Groups

Talk to people who already use VRChat:

  • Join VRChat's Discord server to meet possible customers
  • Take part in VRChat forums and Reddit groups to share what you know
  • Go to VRChat events to meet people and show your models

Be helpful in these groups. Give good advice and make friends instead of just trying to sell things.

Work with Other Creators

Team up with other VRChat creators to reach more people:

Type of Teamwork How It Works
Share Promotions Help each other by telling people about both of your products
Make Things Together Create new avatars or worlds with other artists
Let Others Sell for You Set up a way for other creators to earn money by selling your models

Working with others can help both of you get more customers and make better products.

6. Run Your Store

Running a good VRC model store takes work. Here's how to do it well:

Help Customers

Good customer service is key:

Action How to Do It
Answer quickly Reply within 24 hours
Explain clearly Use simple words for tech stuff
Make a help guide Write answers for common questions
Give personal help Help one-on-one with big problems

Think about using Discord or a ticket system to handle customer questions.

Update Your Products

Keep your store fresh:

  • Fix models based on what customers say
  • Add new avatars or items each month
  • Make special models for holidays
  • Keep making models work better

Watch for VRChat updates and change your models to fit.

Check Sales and Data

Look at how your store is doing:

What to Check Why It Matters
How many models sold Shows what people like
How much money made Helps set money goals
What customers say Tells you how to make things better
Where customers come from Shows where to focus your ads

Use the tools on your selling site to get this info. Look at it often to see what's working and what needs to change in your store.

7. Grow Your Business

As your VRC model store gets bigger, try these ways to make it even better.

Add More Products

Sell different things to get more customers and make more money:

Product What It Is Why It's Good
Theme Sets Avatars or items based on popular topics People who like certain things might buy more
Custom Orders Make special avatars for customers Can charge more, customers come back
Small Items Hair, clothes, or objects to hold Cheaper, people might buy without thinking
Special Moves New gestures or actions for avatars Makes avatars do more, good for experienced users

Always make good products. Ask customers what they like to help you make new things.

Try Subscriptions

Getting people to pay every month can give you steady money. Here's how:

1. Pick a subscription type:

  • New avatars every month
  • Get new things before others
  • Pay less for everything in the store

2. Make different levels:

  • Give different things at different prices
  • Example: Basic (some stuff), Better (more stuff), Best (everything + special avatar)

3. Use VRChat's subscription tools:

  • These help you set up subscriptions
  • Make special things for subscribers using VRChat's code

4. Tell people about your subscription:

  • Show why it's worth the money
  • Let people try it for free at first

Find Partners

Working with others can help more people see your store. Try these:

Partner Type What It Is How It Helps
Other Creators Work with people who make different VRC things More people see your stuff, share ad costs
Big Companies Make avatars based on famous things People trust you more, fans might buy
VRChat Streamers Team up with people who show VRChat online They show your products live
VRChat Events Have avatar contests or shows People have fun and learn about your store

When looking for partners, pick people who think like you. Start small to build trust before doing big projects.


Key Steps Review

Here's a quick look at the main steps to start your VRC model store:

Step What to Do
1. Plan Your Store - Know your customers
- Pick what to sell
- Set fair prices
2. Make Your Products - Design avatars
- Use VRChat SDK
- Make sure they work well
3. Set Up Your Store - Choose where to sell (like Payhip)
- Make your store look good
- Set up safe ways to pay
4. Follow Rules - Follow VRChat's rules
- Don't copy others' work
- Tell customers what they can do with your avatars
5. Tell People About Your Store - Use social media
- Talk to VRChat users
- Work with other creators
6. Run Your Store - Help customers
- Update your products
- Check how you're doing
7. Grow Your Business - Make more types of products
- Try monthly payments
- Work with others

Final Thoughts

Starting a VRC model store can be a good way to make money from your skills. It takes work, but it can pay off. Here are some tips:

  • Keep learning about VR and what people want
  • Make good avatars and treat customers well
  • Don't give up if it's hard at first

Many people make money selling VRChat avatars. Some even make hundreds or thousands of dollars each month. If you work hard and keep improving, you can do well too.


How to start selling VRChat avatar?

Here's a simple guide to start selling VRChat avatars:

1. Prepare your avatar

Step Details
Create Unity Package Include your avatar files
Add visuals Product thumbnail and video preview
Write description Clear, informative product details

2. Set your price

  • VRChat avatars usually cost $15 to $100+
  • Consider using "Pay-What-You-Want" pricing

3. Pick a selling platform

Platform Features Example: Payhip
Easy setup Quick to get started
Auto file delivery Customers get files right away
Custom web address Use your own domain name

4. Upload and promote

  • Add your product to your chosen platform
  • Set up your store page
  • Share on social media and VRChat groups
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